Chapter Two

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Chapter Two


"SHE DIDN'T COME?!" Hazel and Daniella shrieked.

"I tried to get her to come," I bounced around with Liam in my arms. "You'll see her after the interview, girls."

"Give me that baby, Niall. You're doing in wrong." Daniella took Liam out of my hands as I scowled at her as we hung out in the dressing room. Hazel snickered, the four month old pregant woman obviously enjoying this.

"I was not!"

"Please Niall, I'm far more experienced than you." Completely true. Daniella had two kids of her own already with Zayn.

"Ooohh," Hazel childishly oohed as I glared at her. "She got you, Horan!"

I was about to say something smart back but I held my tongue when I felt two hands on my shoulder, and a hand leaning on my shoulder.

"Aubree and Lou want you in the dressin-OH MY GOSH IT'S BABY LIAM!" Lacey, Liam's fiancé, shrieked in my ear. She was practically gripping onto my shoulders now as she tried to contain herself. "LIAM! LIAM!" She screamed as I winced. "WHERE'S ADDIE?! WHERE'S GOLDIE?!"

"You'll see her later, goodness!" I started to walk over to the other side of the dressing room where all our clothes and makeup was. All the other boys were done, lounging on the couch. Zayn was being stupid and sitting on the floor with his phone in front of his face until Lou scolded him and frantically yelled at him to get up so he wouldn't wrinkle his clothes.

"Come step into my parlor," Lou said with a mischevious grin, patting the leather seat. Aubree laughed from the side of her as I forced a little grin. "Come on. I wanna see your baby. Hurry up."

"BABY LIAM'S HERE?!" Louis shrieked, a huge grin on his face now as he looked up from his phone.

"Yes, I brought him and -"

Louis jumped off the couch, climbing over Harry's legs, stepping onto the arm rest, then jumping off and dashing to the other side of the dressing room.

"Hasn't changed at all." Lou tsked. "Harry, honey, what's wrong with you?" She frowned a little, looking in the curly haired boy's direction as she started to put the foundation on my face.

"It's coooldddd," I whined.

"We're making you look pretty, Niall. Shh," Aubree said with a small grin as she looked through the big makeup bags and boxes.

"I'm just tired. Hazel's pregnant and it's a lot of work."

"You got her pregnant. Deal with it. Man up, Styles." Lou said, making Liam, Zayn, and I snicker.

"Why are you always right, Lou?" Harry chuckled.

"Because I'm Lou freaking Teasdale." She smirked proudly, adding on some concealer to my face once I stopped laughing. I was shoved into some clothes quickly as the interview was going to start in a few minutes. Everyone was cooing over Liam. The baby obviously. Management was glad that I brought the baby, saying the fans would go insane for this. So would the paps.

The paparazzis never missed any of this stuff.

I brought Liam along for another reason. A reason I really hoped I'd never have to explain to Addie back at home.


I changed the channel, only to see five boys sitting on high stools. My eyes went down the row to see Niall in the middle of Liam and Harry, holding Baby Liam - properly thank goodness - as Harry often pulled on the little baby's foot. My baby's giggle on the screen made me laugh.

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