Chapter Nineteen

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quick little chapter bc i haven't updated in a while :)

Chapter Nineteen

I stroked Niall's brittle hair as he laid down in the hospital bed he had grown all too familiar with. I smiled as he snored lightly in his sleep, his lips parting slightly.

I had filled out all the paperwork. The paperwork to take him home.

The doctor said the cancer was gone. The surgery went well and it had been a week since then. Months had gone by and tears were shed but after a lot of money, discussion, and Niall's fighting spirit, he lived a little longer than the doctor had said he would.

I kissed my husband's head. He was a fighter and I loved him. I couldn't have been more proud of him. He'd faced death and slapped him right in the face. He'd done it and done it again. If he had given up, I would've been a widow, and the girls would go fatherless for the rest of their lives.

"What kept you going?" I asked him, when I met him again in the afterlife. His eyes had sparkled as we sat together in the middle of the heavenly realms. Our daughters and son sat beside us, listening to their father intently.

Niall smiled gently, looking at Amelia then Delilah. "I didn't want the girls to be walked down the aisle by someone who wasn't me. I was so glad I got to be there to hand you off to someone." He smiled at his daughters.

"Liam looked out for us though." Amelia looked up at her brother.

"He did a good job. You kept them all together, son." Niall patted his son's back as I smiled.

"I was the biggest mess. I will openly admit that." I joked, with a laugh that rang out through the heavens.

"No, I think Lilah was pretty bad." Liam teased.

Delilah protested with a little pout, "I-I wasn't that bad! I mean - "

"It's okay." Niall chuckled. "I didn't like to see you all so upset, but it was only natural too."

"Mom almost sent us all to therapy like we were a bunch of nutcases."

"I told her not to."

"That was when you used to send me dreams." I smiled sadly. "I'd wake up sobbing and a complete mess. They felt so real. I could see your face and you were right there beside me." I recalled the dream perfectly. "It was wonderful."

Niall kissed my forehead slowly, his warmth spreading all over my body. "I hope you know I never stopped loving you."

"Dad will be home soon!" Delilah shouted to her sister so loudly I could hear her through the phone. "Amelia, did you hear me?!"

Niall was asleep in the car and didn't hear his daughters' excitement of his homecoming. I knew they had been greatly affected by the months of praying and crying for Niall to get better. Our prayers had been answered and I treasured each moment with him.

"He's extremely weak though. He'll be fine with a lot of rest, but don't be too loud around him. No more fighting between you, Amelia, or Liam. I need you guys to be good for me and your father. The doctor has him on a lot of medication so he'll be very drowsy."

"Okay. I'll tell Mia. Tell Dad I love him unless he's sleeping. Then I'll tell him myself when he comes home." Delilah said, and I could hear the smile in her voice. She was a daddy's girl. She was his little princess. He didn't love Amelia any less but Delilah and Niall had a small bond that couldn't be broken.

Amelia was considered "my child". She reminded me of myself and the fact that she held my mother's name made her all the more special to me. Liam was our only boy. He was practically a man now. He was taller than me and was growing up finely. I had no worries about him when he left for college soon.

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