Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Amelia and Delilah: age twelve

Liam: age sixteen

Addie and Niall: forty one and forty two

"Wait, this Charlie," Niall looked in the driver's mirror to glance back at his daughter who couldn't stop talking about her day. Amelia was more talkative than usual today. I was the only one who noticed until she kept laughing and talking for at least five minutes straight. There was no "Yeah, sure, it was good." when I asked her how school was. It was stories and stories that spilled out of her mouth that answered my question.

"Yes, Daddy, what about Charlie?"

"Is this a girl or a boy, sweetheart?"

Delilah snorted and Liam burst out into laughter. I bit my lip, trying to hide my smile.

Amelia blinked. I knew she didn't like to lie very much.

"Charlie's a girl name. I knew a girl growing up who went by Charlie." I said casually from the passenger seat.

"Charlie's a boy name." Niall insisted. "Like Charlie Brown. He was a boy."

"Yes, dear, he was."

"Charlie's short for Charlotte, Dad." Delilah sang.

"Plus Mia freezes up at any contact with the opposite gender." Liam teased as my daughter turned around to the back seat to shoot him a glare.

Niall didn't seem to believe it though. He grumbled about Charlie the entire drive, muttering words like "not my daughter" and other crude words until I smacked his arm.

When we pulled up into the driveway, Amelia had finished telling about the paint fight Charlie and her had in class. Delilah had somewhat distracted Niall so it was only Liam and I listening. Right at the mention of "Charlie", one of Liam's friends younger brother, he took his headphones out and suddenly paid attention. It was far more than just wanting to tease his little sister about something.

"Hey! Liam! Get these cleats out of here!" I yelled, before he could run into the house. He backpedaled with a sigh that could be heard all the way in China and grabbed his muddy cleats with a huff. "Thank you."

"But Daaaaad," I heard someone whine as I walked in through the front door.

"But Delilaaaaaah," Niall replied back as the refridgerator door opened and closed. I walked past our open living room and quickly adjusted the soft pillows on the loveseats and couches and the decorative curtains. I turned the TV on to drown out the kids and their yelling for a bit. Plus I liked to have the TV on. It gave me something to listen too. Sometimes I enjoyed the silence, but other times I couldn't stand it.

It was quiet in the house when Aunt May told me the news. It was in the evening. I came home from school. I was reading Shakespeare and recieved a giant headache from it. I'd taken medicine then looked the plot up online.

My cousin called, then Aunt May appeared at my door.

"T-They're gone, sweetheart. I-I'm sorry."

They never did tell me who the driver was. I don't think I ever asked.

I focused on the news to somewhat occupy my head.

"Your mother hates cats."

"That's perfect! We can get a dog then!"

I laughed to myself. Delilah had the potential to be a lawyer.

"Ask your mother." Niall had concluded.


"ASK YOUR FATHER, SWEETIE." I yelled back, just to get her all upset. She knew I was only joking. She let out another big sigh and reluctantly plopped down on the couch beside me. She leaned on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her with a small smile. I played with her hair for a bit. "Save your tears for your play on Saturday."

"SHE DOESN'T EVEN NEED THAT DRAMA CAMP." Niall yelled from somewhere in the house, making me laugh a little.

"Perfect! So with the money we save - " Delilah started, all perked up and with the biggest smile on her face.

"Nice try, kiddo." I leaned in a little. "But maybe if you tell me if Charlie's a boy, your odds will increase a little."

Delilah's eyes widened. "We swore on it, Mum. I promised I wouldn't tell."

"Your a good sister."

"I'm pretty sure they're texting right now." She scoffed, making herself laugh. "Would Dad flip?"

"Yes. Mia's the little baby, you know." I flipped channels to until I handed it off to Delilah since nothing had really been entertaining to me. "He'd do the same for you."

"I'm scared, yet comforted at the same time."

Footsteps were heard as they quickly ran down the stairs as if there was a fire and we were all going to die. The mother instinct in me identified it as Amelia. It was strange. I knew everyone's footsteps without a second thought.

"Hey, Thing Two," Delilah called, making Mia look over at her. "What's the rush?"

"I need my charger. Did you take it?" She said, walking into the living room and staring right at Delilah.

"Oh gee, you mean this one?" Delilah smirked as she held up the white cord.

"Delilah!" My daughter reached out to sntach it, but Delilah was too quick. My daughter reminded me of a fox. She was pretty sly.

"Honey, there's a charger next to my laptop so run along now and go text Charles." I said nonchalantly. Amelia didn't even notice what I had said until she made it halfway down the hall.


"She didn't have to, Mia!" I tried not to laugh. I was supposed to be acting like their mother and not a friend. Ugh, but the inner teen in me was just dying to tease her endlessly and tell her all about how Niall used to do the same with me.

"Don't tell Dad though, okay?" She pleaded. "We're not dating, he's just really nice, Mum."

"Real, real nice, huh, sister?" Delilah cackled like the Wicked Witch of the West. I shushed her.

"I won't tell. Dinner's at seven. No texting at the table."

She kissed my cheek and hugged me tight before rushing upstairs. I watched her go up with a tiny smile.

"Did you and Dad ever do things like that?"

"Like what?"

"Rebel and hide your relationship from your parents and secretly text each other and - "

"I'm not giving you any ideas you know."

"So you two did?!"

"Delilah, I - "


I sighed, laughing a little as she jumped off the couch and ran to who know's where. She was my little firecracker with questions and questions for anyone who had a mouth to answer. I never wanted her to change. I loved her this way.

I loved all my kids. I laughed at just the thought of them. Liam was sixteen now and suddenly I felt old.

They were growing up. All of them right before my eyes. Maybe time would go by a little slower so I could cherish them just a little bit more.

I think I fell asleep on the couch. Niall must've put a blanket on me because I didn't wake up freezing and shaking like I usually did when I fell asleep in only my day clothes. I woke up with a small note in my hand.

"Dad doesn't make dinner as good as you. -Liam, Mia, and Lilah (but mostly Liam)"

I laughed softly as I folded up the note. They were growing up, but I think, as their Mom, I was okay with that.

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