Chapter Eleven

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I can't believe it's May. I didn't even know it was Wednesday today. I'm so out of it. Stupid SATs.

Hope you like the chapter! Vote, comment, etc. thanks for being so patient! :)


Chapter Eleven

Telling Liam that he might be having another sibling went well. We sat him down and kindly told him what was happening and why Mummy's tummy was getting so big.

"No, I didn't eat the baby, sweetheart." I laughed a little, rubbing my growing tummy. I was about three or four months along and past the stages of morning sickness thank goodness. Niall was always there beside me as I spewed everything I'd eaten into the toilet. It was never pretty and often scared Liam.

"You might have a little brother or sister." Niall said, arm slinging around my waist.

"Hopefully, a brother. Girls are weird." He said, making a little face at just the mention of the opposite gender.

"You calling me weird?" I said, with a smile. Liam broke into a grin as Niall chuckled.

"Don't answer that one." He whispered to his son.

"Wise move." I said and Liam was off and back to playing with his toys. Niall kissed my cheek and I squirmed with delight as his little beard tickled me. "You need to shave." I said, poking his nose and pushing him back a bit. Niall frowned.

"I used to have no facial hair. What happened?"

"You got older. Even now it's not a lot."

Niall got up and inspected himself in the mirror, muttering about his chinny chin chin which made himself laugh and his stupid joke.

"The ultrasound is tomorrow right?" He said as I looked on the table at the mail. Letters, bills, and taxes I didn't want to pay but had too. Nothing new. Nothing exciting.

"Yeah." I said softly. "I have a bad feeling. I don't know why."

Niall dropped his razor and I felt him frown at me all the way from the bathroom. I kept my eyes down, feeling a pit growing bigger and bigger in my little tummy. Suddenly I felt heavier. Like a pile of bricks.

"What's wrong, honey?" Niall said, leaning on the doorway in the bathroom.

Slowly I looked over in his direction and tried not to laugh at his face which was half covered in shaving cream and the other clean.

"I just have a feeling. It might not be bad but . . . it'll be something we won't expect."

The next day while Liam was at school - even though he wanted to come see his new sibling - we headed to the hospital.

Liam groaned and complained, tugging on his father and I's legs as he begged to come with us. He even pulled the "I'm not feeling good" card with his sad puppy dog eyes (Niall's fault) and almost got me to give in, until I caught him eating a couple of a cookies in good cookie batch I experimented with.

"Stomachache gone then?" Niall raised his eyebrows as he wiped Liam's mouth which was framed by crumbs.

"Yep." He grinned, pieces of chocolate in his teeth before Niall sent him upstairs to brush his teeth. I saw them high five each other secretly while I did my makeup.

Still we went, promising Liam would be the first to know. As for the boys and my best friends to know? All I'd have to do is tell Hazel and she'd scream to everyone else what we were expecting. The girl would tell anyone who had ears.

Niall held my hand as we checked in. He filled out the papers and comforted me as we waited in the hospital's waiting room. Eventually a nurse called our names and we followed her into the little room.

I'd been through the procedure before with Liam. I don't know why I was so scared. This was my second time around. Niall kept telling me to calm down softly but somehow I couldn't.

The nurse said a few words but I wasn't listening at all. Eventually, she took out the machine and put the gel on my stomach which made me laugh a bit but also finally relaxed me. I closed my eyes as the nurse searched and searched for a baby.

It took her awfully long so I feared I lost the child, but my nerves were calm as soon as I heard Niall laugh softly.

"Princess, look!" I opened my eyes a little to look at the monitor.

"See them?" The nurse smile wide.

"T-Them?" I choked in disbelief.

"Twins." The nurse grinned even more.

"T-Twins?" Niall and I's voices were one, both laced with excitement and confusion. I took one look at Niall and he shook his head in amazement.

"You were right. This was a surprise." He smiled though and squeezed my hand as we both looked at the monitor. Two little babies were inside my tummy, swimming around, breathing and were very much alive.

"Girls? Boys?" I asked in wonder. "One of each?"

Niall squeezed my hand a little tighter. I knew he wanted a girl he could spoil rotten. I wanted one too. Liam would be the only disappointed one if it was a girl. I smiled dryly at the thought but it grew wider as the nurse revealed the gender.

"Two girls." She beamed and said some fancy medical terms that explained how she knew. "Congratulations!"

Then and there I wanted to burst into tears of joy but for the sake of not looking like a raccoon after I was done crying, I held in my tears and let Niall cry to himself. His hand was over his mouth and his eyes were glued to the monitor.

"T-Those are mine." He whispered. "Ours."

Once I was all cleaned off, out of my awkward hospital dress, and back into my normal clothes, Niall pulled me into the biggest hug, arms around my waist and head on top of my head. I nuzzled my face into his neck and he cuddled a little closer to me. I could feel him smiling against my skin.

"Two girls." He breathed out as I nodded. He leaned down and softly kissed my tummy. He whispered a couple words against it before rising back up to me and stealing another kiss of love and plenty of affection.

Our little family was growing.

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