Chapter Twelve

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"You're so beautiful, you know." Niall smiled at me.

"I'm covered in pink paint." I said flatly.

"Still gorgeous."

"Shut up."

Niall laughed. "Sassy Addie has returned. Giving Louis a run for his money."

"Suck it up, Horan."

He burst into more laughter as we painted the babies' walls a pretty pale pink. My paintbrush swept along the once bland white walls and brightened the whole room. It was all coming together.

"Why am I doing this?" I dropped my brush to my side with a huff. "Normal pregnant women don't do a thing except sit around and eat while they're carrying." I muttered.

"Well, you're not normal, sweetheart."

I swiped my brush across his handsome face only to hear Liam giggle from the doorway.

"Hey you." I grinned as my little boy shyly hid behind the door. "Nap time's over then?" My son nodded, and his sleepy eyes opened and closed slowly as he held one of his action figures.

"Oh, so you're nice to him." Niall snorted.

"He thinks I'm normal." I glared at Niall who sheepishly smiled.

"You excited about the babies?"

"A little." Liam mumbled.

"Almost done with their room." Niall said. "Hey, little man, you wanna help with the top part?"

Liam eagerly nodded as he climbed on his father's shoulders and traded his action figure for a paintbrush with me. Niall would move around a little or shake Liam's legs which would make him laugh, but make me scared.

"Mum, this is nothing." Liam said. "Sometimes Uncle Liam spins me around when he's only holding me by my hands. Uncle Louis hangs me upside down. Even Auntie Daniella lets me jump on the bed."

"All your uncles and aunties are crazy, honey." I smiled.

"You and Daddy are too. I heard you two - "

"Wait, what?" My cheeks flushed red.

"Do you miss Uncle Lou?" Niall quickly prompted.

"Yeah! And Uncle Zayn. And Bigger Me - " Liam's nickname for, well, Liam - "And Uncle Harry too."

"We'll visit them soon."


Niall and I laughed painfully. Sure, we wished we could. I knew Niall missed his best friends. His brothers.

One Direction wasn't just a band to me. They weren't just some teen pop sensation that would be on the top of the charts for a couple of years. They brought me happiness and laughs and tears. To me, as cliche as this is, they were more than a boyband. They felt like brothers that I could just call up for a chat and even though now I could anytime I wanted too, when I was a fangirl, I felt so close to them.

"Not tomorrow, but soon." Niall smiled at me - a sadder one this time. "Maybe for your parents anniversary."

"I'd like that." I forced a little smile and he reached for my hand. I didn't hesitate and immediately took his. "You almost done, Li?"

"A little more." Liam's face was concentrated as Niall moved to the left ( to the left, to the left...okay. Sorry. No. Lol) so his son could get the last part painted. His strokes were smooth and long - some artistic ability in him that didn't definitely come from me. "Done!"

Niall helped Liam down and we all took a step back to look at the pink painted room. I put my hand over my tummy, almost feeling a connection with my baby girls.

"You did a good job!" Niall high fived his little boy who smiled. His blue eyes sparkled.

"In kindergarten, we get to paint all the time!"

"Show me your paintings then sometime, all right?"

Liam nodded excitedly and promised he would then he asked if his dad could show him something on the piano. I went down into the kitchen to make lunch while Niall taught Liam anything easy that he might know on the piano. It wasn't much since Liam was only five. It was just merely chords and their old, catchy singles. Niall whipped his guitar out though and I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the tune of his guitar strums.

One of Liam's painting was lying around with his name written messily but cutely in bright orange paint. His paintings were quite well for his age - not just a blob of one color that's apparently a giraffe - and I smiled at the possible future of my son maybe being an artist.

I smiled at my daughters who were on the way.

I smiled as I licked a little peanut butter off my fingers and smiled beacuase I had every right to.

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