Chapter Four

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Will always be in Addie's POV unless stated otherwise. <3


I invited Lacey and Daniella over for tea a couple days after but unfortunately Hazel couldn't make it. Poor dear was getting rather sick from the baby. Just because I could, I turned our little tea party into a baking one. Daniella and I were bakers. Why not?

"Let's Skype Aunt May! I got an idea for a cupcake!" Dani squealed, peeking out of the kitchen with a big grin. Lacey and I were sitting in the living room, catching up a little over some tea. Niall was sleeping upstairs with Baby Liam. He started off playing and cooing at the baby but Liam only stared blankly at him and they both fell asleep on the nursery floor.

So twitter-worthy.

"Is she on?" I whispered, setting up the laptop in the kitchen.

"There! Hit call! Hit call!" Dani screamed at me, jumping up and down.

"I did! Calm yourself!"

The three of us all stood around the webcam, making faces till we saw May's.

"Aunt May!" I screamed into the camera with a big grin as Lacey and Dani waved. "Wait. Can you hear me?"

Typical Skype call.

The first five minutes were screaming and yelling random things into the camera to see if she could hear us all right.

"Wait, sweetie," May started. "Okay. Can you hear me now?"

"Yes!" I smiled in victory, moving the computer away from the sink and farther aside on the counter.

"Hi?" My aunt honestly looked frightened.

"We don't want money, don't worry!" Lacey said with a laugh.

"Weeeellll," Daniella dragged out the short word, probably up to something.

"Your husband is Zayn Malik. What more could you want?!"

"Ignore them." I giggled as they quietly yelled at each other in the background. "Miss you."

"Miss you too, baby girl," She sighed, putting her hand against the screen as I did the same. Our hands were "touching". "You're so far away. Ethan and I really miss you."

Tears watered at my eyes. They didn't forget about me.

"I'll be at the wedding," I insisted. "Only a couple more months. D-Don't cry, Aunt M-May. P-Please."

She took a deep breath, looking away a little as she started to fan herself. "S-Sorry, it's just -" She composed her self, for the sake of her makeup and my own. "I'm all right." She eventually smiled, all traces of pain gone.

"I love you." I smiled. "Dani's got a recipe idea. DANI!" I screamed. "DANIELLAAAA? COME HERE! PLEASE?"

"Don't forget you have a baby! Jeez, Addie!"

"Oops." I shrugged innocently.

Dani jogged over to the computer and I moved out of the way.

"It's almost spring you know so like maybe we could do something spring-ish."

"No duh." Lacey said.

"Hush, child." She turned back to the screen. "So maybe like some vanilla base with like whipped strawberry frosting and a sweet honey drizzle. Maybe even like honey in the cake!"

"I see like ladybug or bumblebee on top . . ." May said, probably grinning.

"Exactly! Skype high five!"

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