Chapter Eight

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I kept my promise. HA. HA. HA.

Idk what all that evil laughing was all about. CX


Chapter Eight

We eventually got into the house and Liam immediately sent me upstairs as soon as I broke into a coughing fit. I never got sick. What was wrong with me?

Niall seemed worried as I pushed past him, shaking with Harry's jacket still my only source of warmth.

I couldn't be mad at him for this long. Maybe we'd talk it out over dinner or -

"Princess," a hushed voice said from the bathroom's doorway. I was starting to get into the bath, having the warm water running and squeezing the bottle of soap till enough bubbles would satisfy my inner child.

I stopped squeezing the life out of the poor bottle then looked up at Niall. At first it was hard to look at him in the eyes but it got easier.


"Is everything all right?"

"Besides the fact that I'm probably dying from a cold?" I muttered sarcastically.

"Oh so there is something?" He noticed and I cursed myself for letting it slip.

Dang boy was good.

"Fine. You want to know what's wrong?" I closed the top of the body wash and angrily slammed it down onto the sides of the luxurious bath. The smell of lavender lingered in the air but it didn't help me unwind at all at the moment.

"You cheated on me. That's what's wrong, Niall! You kissed Aubree! T-That . . . S-Stupid stylist!"

Niall's eyes got big and I knew he knew exactly what I was talking about. If he dared denied it, I'd leave this room in rage.

"A-Addie, you don't - "

"Don't tell me I don't understand because I know very well and clear that you kissed her!" I took a long deep breath, body hot from rage and slowly relaxed my hands, no longer clenching fists. "Maybe I shouldn't have moved out here with you." I shoved past him, making a beeline for my dresser. Angrily, I dug through my clothes, really wanting I tear all the fabric into pieces so they'd look like my broken heart.

"A-Addie, let me explain!" He begged, placing a hand on my shoulder.

I shook it off and I knew he was hurt.

"You got a minute." I spat, and Niall flinched. This was way out of my character, but I'd grown.

I'd matured.

And I certainly didn't have time for these games.

"Go." I said flatly, pulling out a sweater and my sweats and crossing my arms.

He explained quickly, out of breath and sounding close to tears as he took my hand, and spun me around so I was looking right into his eyes.

"A-Addie, you k-know I'd never do anything t-to hurt you." He said, out of breath as he looked at me hopefully.

I bit my lip, feeling it quiver as I looked away from his eyes.

"You promise?" I was giving in.

"Yes! Princess, I swore to your aunt that I'd never hurt you and keep you safe out here in Ireland with me!"

"If I called Aubree right now, she'd say the same thing?"

I was skeptical. I had every right to be, but I wasn't going to call Aubree. It's make me seem like a crazed, jealous psychopath of a wife.

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