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Sorry this took so long.

I hope this can make up for everything.

* * * * *


"Mom! Mom!" Amelia screamed. "Mom! H-He's gone!"

The word 'gone' wasn't in my vocabulary.

"No," I whispered, back into the phone. "No, no." I cleared my throat. "He's fine. He's resting upstairs and he - "

"Mom," My daughter's tone became as hard as steel. "Niall was having trouble breathing while you were asleep. Liam and I sent him to the hospital and Delilah followed him in."

"Amelia," I breathed out, feeling my heart getting heavier.

"M-Mom, I-I - "

"Please get me an ambulance too." I whispered, and hung up the phone, beginning to weep. I had no more strength to be angry, and the sadness was the only emotion I could think of.

"This was so hard to watch," Niall said, hugging my waist as we looked down in the celestial pools of the afterlife. They replayed memories, good ones and bad ones, and I begged for them not to show me Niall struggling. I cried into his chest until it was over. "I hated seeing you this way."

I cried for what felt like an eternity. I cried more and more as the days grew on and I shouted into the voids of my home and up to the heavens, in hope that he might hear me. My wrinkled hands craved his touch and my eyes craved another memory with him.

After losing so many people, there was something strange about losing them. As soon as they left the earth, I found it harder to recall memories that I shared with them.

I began to write anything and everything I could remember about Niall from his eyes to the structure of his face like the way his eyebrows curved and his Roman nose. I put our anniversary and the day he proposed and the day I met his parents and the day when he lost his parents and we became orphans in this little town in Ireland. I wrote the days I told him I was pregnant for the first, second, and third time. I wrote how much each child weighed and I described Niall's smile when he held each of them in his arms. I scribbled words that came to my head like the bakery and whipped cream and the way he played his guitar.

I did all of this in hope to never forget him.

I did all of this because he was the last thing I had.

I did all of this because he was my one and only.

I did this because I loved him.

"So that's what that was." Liam said, referring to the crumbled up piece of notebook paper.

"I still have the papers," I whispered, eyes blurring. "They were always in my hand."

I unclenched my fists as Niall pried my fingers from around it. He took it gently, kissing my hand as he began to read it.

"Not bad for someone your age." He said, making me smile. Just like always.

My children were worried about me. I was seeing a Niall that they couldn't see. I was seeing my husband all around our home. Delilah heard me talking to no one, but I told her he was there. He was always there. He never left.

In fact, he asked me to come with him.

And I'd follow that boy to the ends of the earth. So I wasn't surprised to see my body give up the ghost just so I could meet him again.

The day I saw him, we didn't speak very much. I was still in awe of were I was and after seeing the other boys and old friends, I finally saw Niall.

Our souls did not speak, but our lips thirsted for each other's love. We tasted the river of life as our lips pressed against each other. I don't think I ever felt so happy.

My children were heartbroken and sadly I had to watch them mourn until they passed on and reunited with us in the afterlife. There were so many tears - happy tears - that all of Heaven knew we were reunited.

"Darling," Niall called, beckoning me over.

I rose to my feet, rubbed Liam's shoulder, and followed after Niall.

He walked a little further until he turned around.

"I love you, Adelaide." He whispered in my ear, snaking his hand around my waist.

"I know you do." I whispered back, hugging him with one arm.

"I-I'm sorry for leaving and - "

"Don't worry about it." I reassured him, running my hands through his hair. Our noses brushed past each other, giving kisses that didn't require our lips.

"Knew we'd find you over here." I looked up to see all four of Niall's best friends, looking younger and healthier than when they left the earth.

Zayn, who suffered from Alzheimer's recognized his best friend with ease.

Liam and Louis, who had heart attacks, were as lively as ever.

And Harry, who had to watch all his friends pass on, was now watching his friends with smiles.

I rested my head on Niall's shoulder as the boys caught up, laughing and crying over things of the past. He rubbed my hand the entire time, making me feel safe.

So this is our story. This is the story of Niall and I. This is our eternity which was created by one little message. This is our story about how we fell in love, and how we fell hard.

This is a story about family and how they are with you through everything. This is a story about love and loss. This is a story of friendship and a never ending circle that consists of us. It consists of my family.

This is a story of imperfections and how we chose to deal with them. This is a story of battles and fights we didn't choose but were ready to fight anyway.

So if you ever build a time machine, let me know. Let me know so I can tell Adelaide Thompson know not to give up on tweeting her idol.

Let me know so I can tell Adelaide that things are going to get tough, but that she's tougher.

Let me know so that I can tell Addie that she's going to find a love that will last beyond this life.

I want to tell her that everything will be all right in the end.

So when you build a time machine, let me know so I can tell Adelaide Thompson that this is her story, and this is how it ends.

* * * * *

Thank you for your patience and for those who are still reading and may or may not be crying, I just want to thank you for falling in love with Niall and Addie and their family as much as I did. I remember when Lucky Me was just a simple outline. Now look. :)

Thank you all so much. You've helped me bring these characters to life.

With love,


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2014 ⏰

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