Chapter Fifteen

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Ahh, it's been a while! I need to do those dedications so my winners, don't worry. I didn't forget about you ;) enjoyyyy.

I'm kind of skipping around a lot to make the plot a little less repeatitive.

Dedicated to the lovely AmberLeapyear  :)

Chapter Fifteen

Amelia and Delilah: Age ten

Liam, the little baby child: Fifteen

Addie and Niall: Fourty and fourty one

A loud screech pierced my eardrums. That was Amelia. And if one twin screams . . .

I winced as the other one came. "Oh Delilah,"

I dragged myself away from the computer and trudged up the stairs to the nursery. Niall was picking up Liam. He said he'd be back by four.

Sometimes I got a little nervous. I mostly stayed at home with the twins and run the bakery from home. Maura often came over to help out with the kids while I went out but for the most part I was stuck here. Niall didn't work as much, regarding the boys, but he always just seemed to be out. Out with Liam or friends or just out. I worried that he broke his promise. Maybe he was just taking advantage of me again. 

Suddenly my whole mood just fell.

I skipped the second to last step, the horrendous creek when you stepped on the stair would only make the twins scream louder. I picked up one of Liam's action figures and walked down the halls to the twins room. I felt a chill run by me as I opened up their door and found the girls fighting over a toy.

It was a Barbie doll. Little did I know Delilah would spend the next couple years of her life just dying to look like one. 

"Hey, hey, hey," I quickly kneeled down between the two and pried their hands off of the doll's stick legs. "We have to share, girls." The baby voice creeped in with such ease. "Plus, look!" I gasped, the girls wide eyes blinking up at me. "We have all these other toys! Look! A big teddy bear!" 

I picked up the caramel brown bear with the red ribbon tied around its neck and put it in Amelia's outstretched hands. I wrapped her up in a quick little hug, tickling her as she giggled contently. She was adorable.

I took Delilah's hand as she slowly began to stop crying. I scooped her up and walked around the room with her, gently bouncing her occasionally. "And look at this, we can have a little tea party, sweetie. Look." I put her down and onto the little chairs of the small tea party set, with plastic food and cups and tea pots galore. Delilah was mesmerized by the entire set and immediately sat down with me and grabbed a cup. 

I spent hours with my girls, drinking imaginary tea and pretending to eat small cakes. I laughed as Amelia eventually came over to her sister, and they laughed and spoke in the language of their own.

"Mommy," Amelia said, holding out a plastic cake for me. 

"For me?" I smiled. "Thank you, sweetie."

"Where's Daddy?" Delilah said slowly, still learning her words. She could write her name out and count to twenty. She could name animals but still called her sister 'Melia. Amelia could only manage a Lilah, but they could both say Liam perfectly. They loved their older brother. He wasn't as keen as them on the outside, but I could tell deep down inside he did love them.

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