Chapter Six

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Sorry I didn't update this yesterday. That was my April Fools Joke to you. You all thought I was gonna update yesterday. SIKE. WRONG. OKAY. JUST READ NOW BC THIS JOKE WASN'T REALLY CLEVER AND I WAS JUST KINDA LAZY YESTERDAY. 



Sitting in the hospital chair next to a giggling Hazel, I began to worry. I wanted to cry. I wanted to sob. Nothing felt right. 

I stared at the hospital floors, feeling just like the tiles hundreds of sick people walked on. 

Cold, dirty, and constantly walked over. 

He'd taken advantage of me. I kept saying, over and over again. He'd taken advantage of her.

I felt myself shaking. The thought that would creep in when I kissed his lips would be the sickening thought that I wasn't the only one who had kissed him.

Everything felt cold and my mouth tasted like metal. I wanted to throw up, a twisted feeling twisting and pulling at my stomach. 

 Maybe Hazel's bluffing, I tried to convince myself. She was on medication. 

Ignoring the spots dancing before my eyes, I turned to Hazel. 

"Haze, is this -" 

She was out cold and sleeping. I needed to hear the truth from a sane person. 

I stared down at my shoes until Harry came back in with some food for Hazel. 

"I'm back, babe and - " He lowered his tone and set the tray of food down gently on a little table. He slowly closed the door and I felt him looking at me. 

"Hey, you all right?" He whispered, kneeling beside me. 

I bit my lip, staring ahead as my eyes fluttered with tears. I managed to shake my head 'no' as Harry grew more concerned. 

"What's up? Do you wanna talk to me or maybe Liam?" 

I felt like a small child as I begged for the both of them. I wanted Aunt May. I wanted my mother. I just wanted everyone but Niall. 

Harry called Liam up and put him on speaker. Only the rings of the phone filled the silent room until Liam picked up. 

"Hey lad. What's up?" I heard Liam say through the phone. 

"Not much." He ran a hand through his curly hair a bit. "I got Addie here beside me." 

"Hey,"I croaked, my eyelids heavy as I held back tears. 

"Hey, sweetie, what's wrong?"

I sighed, my lips feeling chapped and mouth dry as I tried to speak. Somehow I found my voice. 

"I-It hurts, Liam." 

"What hurts, honey?" 

"T-The truth." 

I sighed heavily as Harry gave me a little hug. I didn't protest but melted into his arms like ice above fire.  

"I-I wanna go back to England. I-I miss it." I mumbled, wiping my eyes. I was really speaking into no one in particular. 

"I take it you want to go back without Niall." Harry mumbled. 

"Y-Yeah." I pushed my hair to the side, stressed now as I pulled away from Harry's embrace. 

"Addie, I interrupted their kiss," Harry suddenly spoke up. I met his eyes. "He was trying to get her off him."

I sniffed as Liam didn't say a thing into the phone. 

"I really mean it. He was trying to shove her off him. He started crying even once she left." 

"I remember that," Liam whispered and I could picture him nodding and biting his lip. "He was really shaken up. Management delayed that interview a bit because he was so shaken up, dear." 

I closed my eyes. "D-Did he like blow some air out when he was trying to compose himself?" 

"Why?" Both boys asked. 

"That's what he always does after a really long cry," I whispered. "That's how I know when it's genuine." 

"He did. I remember that." Liam mumbled. 

"You're not just saying that?' 

"I swear, Addie." 

"Pinky promise?" I took those very seriously. Even still. 

Liam laughed. "Yeah. Pinky promise. 

Harry rubbed my back. "You all right now?" 

"Little. I just want to hear it from him, I guess." i said softly. 

"He'd never hurt you, sweetie." 

Oh but he already has.

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