Chapter Five

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Okay to clear things up: Meg and Ellie are characters from my other stories (see More Than This and Closer to You). Meg is in love with Louis. Ellie is Meg's little sister and yes you can have contractions at four months and it's very dangerous since you can possibly lose the baby at that time.

Anyone nervous now? ;p



"Keys, keys, keys!" I frantically said, running around the room.

"Here!" Niall picked them out of the little ceramic bowl and tossed them to me. I caught them and thanked him quickly.

"Should we go with you?" Dani wondered.

"No, just keep a-an eye on Lacey and the b-baby. I-I'll be back when I can." I quickly kissed Niall's cheek - a very shaky one because I was nervous as ever - then Liam's head, and ran to the garage.

The car ride to the hospital didn't feel long. All I could think about was how scared Harry sounded on the phone. It was his and Hazel's first pregnancy. They were new to all this and his mum wasn't even here to assure and calm him down.

Guess I'd be playing Mummy today.

I quickly rushed into the hospital and ran right up to the front desk.

My breathing was heavy so I hoped the receptionist could understand me.

"H-Hazel Styles?" I quickly said.

"Room 302, ma'am."

I muttered a quick thank you then ran to the elevators, jamming my finger on the button till the doors opened. The elevator was so slow and I was honestly thinking about running up three flights of stairs if it didn't come down quick enough.

Thankfully it did and it went up to the floor much faster. I ran down the halls, still careful of all the other patients, but still looking for Harry.

"H-Harry!" I said, quickly pulling him into a hug. The poor guy was already in tears and looked so vulnerable in the small hospital chair outside of Hazel's room. "S-She still in there?" I said in a hushed tone.

He nodded, wiping his tears off his red cheeks. "H-Hopefully it's not a miscarriage or some kind of premature labor." He mumbled.

"She'll be all right. Promise you that. She's in good hands." I rubbed his shoulder as he leaned his head on my shoulder. I squeezed him tight as we sat there in silence. All I heard was the squeaks and creeks of the wheelchairs and hushed tones of the doctors and nurses. It was a little relaxing. Harry seemed less worried too.

"What was it like when you were pregnant?" Harry suddenly asked out of the blue.

"Painful, but rewarding." I answered. "Niall was so good to me though. I mean he always is but he just treated me even better."

I closed my eyes and looked back at the nine month journey carrying Liam.

"Niall, that doesn't look like the picture." I said with a laugh, looking between the instruction manual and the crib that looked nothing like the picture.

"It's not done yet!" He grunted.

"Maybe I should call Liam or Zayn." I muttered worriedly though it was amusing to see Niall in the middle of nursery, siting on a blue baby rug with screwdrivers, drills, and pieces of the crib around him. He was so frustrated it was cute. "Zayn could put this together."

"He'd be too lazy too. Remember when we had to get the dresser up the stairs? All he did was sit and watch."

"He was 'supervising'." I remembered with a laugh, leaning on the door frame. "Maybe Louis could -"

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