Chapter Nine

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This chapter is more like a one shot but it's still necessary so therefore, it is in this story. this is when we start jumping around and covering everything "In Between" c;

this story's actually really hard to write. i don't wanna get too ahead too fast, ya know.

Enjoy c: hopefully you all don't get too confused. i'm going to shut up now.



Liam (the baby obviously. Have you guys gotten confused with this yet, or what? lol even with like Lou Teasdale and Louis. gaaah, too much.) : Age 5

Addie & Niall: both 31 (or something like that)

"Happy birthday, my little man!" Zayn cooed through Skype. "Goodness, he's growing up fast, lad!

"I know right!" Niall laughed a little. Little Liam was turning one today and absolutely adoring the attention his grandparents and family were giving him. The baby was spoiled rotten with gifts of all kinds from his "uncles".

"Say hi, Liam! Say hi to Uncle Zayn!" I said in the baby voice I just couldn't get rid of now. Niall was behind the camera, phone perfectly capturing our baby boy as I made him wave to the camera. "Say thank you for the gift, Uncle Zayn!" I took one of his little hands and squeezed it. He giggled as I tickled him a little.

Liam only managed to mumble something like "DaDa" making Niall grin from ear to ear.

"Thank you for the gifts Zayn! I miss you!" I said with a little laugh.

"Hey, we miss you too, babe. Last time we saw you was at the wedding!"

Lacey and Liam were finally married and she walked down happy and healthy after Liam threatened that if she didn't get her weight back in check, the wedding would be off. Lacey loved Liam and immediately began to eat healthier slowly to please him. It all paid off and honestly, she looked even better in her dress than before.

"We'll try to visit again soon! When this little guy is older and isn't so fussy on the planes."

Liam just stared blankly up at me, big eyes full of cluelessness.

"You can say Mommy too, right?" Maura smiled, crouching down on the other side of his high chair.

"M-Ma . . . Mama," he said, blue eyes wide as he looked at his grandma.

"Yay!" I clapped with a big smile. "Can you say Maura? Mauuraa."

"Maybe May's easier." Aunt May grinned. I knew she was a little tired from the flight but was so happy to be here. "Can you say Maaay?" I laughed at my aunt's babyish voice, and how animated she got when she played with Liam.

"Hey, Dad, why don't you get the cake out?" Greg had the camera, filming every second. Bobby nodded and walked over to the fridge, carefully pulling out the platter of cake that the majority of us would be eating. It was mainly family with us. As Liam got older his parties would get bigger. For the most part I knew he had no clue of what was going on.

I picked up my baby boy and carried him over near the counter as my father-in-law stuck one candle in the blue cake. Niall ended the Skype call with Zayn and lit the candle with a lighter. Softly, and a little off key we sang happy birthday to Liam, celebrating a little milestone in his life.

I remember the day perfectly, just like every mother would. I remembered how it started off as Niall feeding him but eventually they both had cake all over their hands and faces. Greg had gotten it all on camera - the way Liam played with his cake and ate with his hands - fisting and squishing the chocolate cake as the blue frosting oozed from inbetween his little fingers.

In Between || Sequel to Lucky MeWhere stories live. Discover now