Chapter Seventeen

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Wow, it's been a while huh?


Anyways. Who watched the VMAS? Anyone scarred for life because of Miley, say I. And can we please just all agree that Taylor Swift needs to grow up? I'm sorry I just. Ugh. I wanna slap her.

And her parents.

for raising such an evil child.

Don't I sound nice. Okay. Enjoy the chapter. (Not really though bc you guys are going to hate me)

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When Liam left for college, that's when things started to go downhill.

Maybe it was the fact that a piece of us was gone. Maybe because we were no longer complete. But that was when things began to go downhill.

It hit us without warning. The girls were almost out of the house and part of me wished they were out of the house at the time.

Niall got really sick one day. I was at work and he was out playing golf with a couple of the friends he had made out here. I got a call from his mate, begging for me to come down to the country club.

And so I did.

I dropped my baking tools, had Grace take over and told her to call me if I she needed anything, then rushed to get to my car. I was hoping for the best, but was expecting the worst. I hoped he was okay. I prayed and prayed and prayed he was all right. This was my husband. He couldn't pass now. We still had two kids to raise together. Would someone show some mercy? My daughters needed their father.

Times like these I wished Liam and the other lads were out here. I didn't want to totally flip out to one of them over the phone, then find out it wasn't that bad. I'd wait for the results. I prayed the situation wasn't as bad as I thought. I said, "It'll be okay, it'll be okay, it'll be okay" over and over until it felt like a mantra used for hypnosis. It had to be okay.

I sprang out of my car, almost tripping as I ran. The sight before me was grueling. I wished I hadn't been there.

My husband was throwing up blood.

He was paler than usual. He was shaking far more than what would be considered humanly possible. My world was shattered and curled up on the floor. His body was lanky and seemed lifeless.

"Niall!" I screamed and rushed to his side.

"A-Addie?" He choked out, his voice thick and sounding sickly. "No, d-did - "

"What's going on? Adam, what happened?!" I looked towards his friend, in complete fear. Paramedics had arrived. They rushed to my husband's aid and began to load him into the ambulance.

Adam told me everything, from the moment Niall began to feel faint and up until now. I felt like my chest was closing up. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't speak.

"I-I want to ride with h-him!" I said, with as much strength as I could. The paramedics whispered to each other.

Do we let the screaming lady inside with us? They were probably thinking.

"He's my husband."

They immediately let me inside and I held his hand as he went in and out of consciousness.

I suddenly wished in that moment I noticed how tired he always was. I wished I noticed how he complained about his pain. I wished he would've told me he had been coughing up blood and was having trouble swallowing some foods. But it wasn't in his nature. Niall was always very happy. He was carefree. He didn't want me to worry. He wanted me and the girls to stay happy too.

The doctor told me it may have been a cancer. There was some kind of bug in his body that certainly was not helping him.

He guessed colon cancer.

I cried.

I cried in the hallway as he told me in hushed tones. I cried as I asked, "Will he live?"

I wept when he told me, he just simply wasn't sure.

He left me alone to collect myself. He told me Niall would be up in a few. I wanted Niall to be awake, but not here. Not in this hospital with a high potential of having colon cancer.

I stroked his hair and kissed his cheek. My tears splashed onto his face as I wished it was me instead. He couldn't hear me. He wasn't awake yet. I held his hand and tried to be strong for him.

Why did the worst things have to happen to the greatest people of all?

I loved this man. I loved him with all my heart. He was my sunshine. And just like in the song, I begged that no one would take him away from me. No one could. He was mine. H-He just couldn't leave. H-He couldn't.

"D-Darling?" Niall moved from underneath me and slowly met my eyes as I sat up a bit straighter. I wanted to crawl into the bed with him, but he'd know something was wrong. In fact, he already seemed to know.

"W-What's the verdict?" He asked softly.

I bit my lip. I didn't want to say it. He didn't deserve it. I deserve it. Not him. Not him. He made millions of girls happy. He made me happy. Why him?! Why rip his happiness away?!

"N-Niall, the doctor says you might have cancer."

And that was when my stomach dropped, his eyes closed, he let out a deep sigh, and kissed me.

Like he was apologizing.

"It's not y-your fault, Ni. I-It's - "

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Addie, babe, I-I'm - "

I shushed him gently as he wiped away my tears. I kissed his forehead to try to wipe away his fears.

"W-We're going to be okay." I reassured him. "We always are."

His jaw clenched and I knew he was trying to be tough for me. He always did that when he was trying hard not to cry. I hated seeing him like this. I still couldn't believe it.

"We're going to be all right." He whispered, taking my hand. He kissed it softly with his dry, cracked lips.

I tried not to sob.

"We're going to be okay."

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