Chapter 1: Normal morning

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Netherlands POV

Hello there people. I'm the Netherlands- call me Neth or Nether. I'm fine with both actually. Others call me other names too- but it's mostly just a variation of my name in their language. For example Germany calls me ‚Nieder' because Netherlands means Niederlande in german- you get where I'm going. My country lies in Central Europe, right at the Atlantic Ocean. My border is next to Belgium and Germany. Most of my land is below sea level, but my people are amazing at building dykes. Tho I am not living in my country- because of safety reasons. More and more Countryhumans were attacked by citizens over time.. and therefore we aren't living with normal humans anymore. Sorry everyone.

Anyways- back to me. I'm the oldest Sibling of The BeNeLux Trio; my younger siblings are Luxembourg and Belgium. I have also contact to the ghost of my dead twin VOC- fun thing is that only I understand and see him for some reason. No one else knows about him yet.
Together, with all the other countries- as I mentioned, we live in a village on the fields, right next to a forest and a lake. For safety. Nothing really happens here- I like it this way. Belgium thinks it's boring, Lux enjoys the peace too.

But it's not like exactly nothing happens here- even if I just said so. You see since we live without contact to anyone else- we somehow need to survive, also living comfy is the other part. Therefore everyone has a certain job they like to do- and we share the outcomes. That's why we have Running water inside our small house. The MalPhilIndo; Malaysia, Philippines and Indonesia- all brotherly acting towards each other- got together as Bee-keepers and have a Bee-keeping right next to us, we are neighbors. Others, for example Sweden and Denmark are Joiner and Roofer, helping repairing stuff while again others are working on looting- getting material, fishing and all kinds of stuff. We all know and help each other and to be honest? I wouldn't want it any other way- it's great.

What me and my siblings doing/working as you ask? Good question- let me answer it. Well, actually, in comparison to the important work of the others it's kinda stupid- but we do stuff for mostly vanity.. and sanity. You see we three have a really big garden. We grow all kinds of flowers there- as well as Fruits and Vegetables. But others grow food too- so it's not much. Tho Lux is experimenting with something called „Finishings". Finishings are special and sort of difficult things- were you basically put multiple sorts of Fruits on one tree. Luxembourg's biggest success so far is 6 different sorts of apples on one tree. Awesome right? Belgium is mostly helping with Watering and carrying saplings around- believe me she is strong as hell. I mostly take care about the plants- like replanting, cutting and stuff. I also have some more exotic ones in our green house. Also also I'm somehow a therapist. I'm not sure why but people keep coming to me if they need another opinion or emotional help. Maybe it's because of the location? Or do I have a calming aura? We'll never know- but I'm glad to help. It's hard work for all of us three- me and my siblings- on such a large place, believe me we have a massive garden, but it's working out, and it's always wonderful when people come to see our flowers and want to get a few for their loved ones. Truly makes me happy. I sound more naive than I am I know.

My loved ones? My siblings of course! They are more important to me than my life. But also.. well it is kind of embarrassing- but I do have a crush on someone.. taken. Funny isn't it? All I can do is watch and be happy for them while keeping a happy face, burying my sorrow. But it makes me happy and feel better seeing him happy. Who I'm talking about? My neighbor Indonesia. He is.. together with America- aka USA- but we call him simply Ame.
.But back to reality now and to the begin of the actual story- shall we?
This really feels like a dream you know- I normally don't talk to people I don't see- who maybe aren't even there.. let's just say that I am talking to you- person in my head okay? Don't tell anyone or they'll think I'm running insane. Thank you.

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