Chapter 14: Date gone wrong(?!)

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Indonesias POV

At 12pm, the rain stopped, leaving sunshine. Birds start singing again and all in all it is nice to just look outside. And since the rain is gone... Neth's gonna pick me up in an hour! I turn away from the window, seeing Philippines and Malaysia sitting at the counter, writing stuff down. I get a little annoyed and sigh. They are making plans for dinner, them still planing that Neth stays here for the evening. I hope that at least they plan something that tastes nice..

„Hey you two, what are you planing for dinner?" I jokingly yell across the room. Mal and Phil look up and to me, Phil immediately sees the sarcasm on my face. Mal on the other hand doesn't seem bothered, like at all.
„Well we still have potatoes. Thinking about making fish too. We don't really have veggies yet at this time of year, but we got pickled peas in storage. And maybe I'll ask France for a bottle of wine~" Mal reads the list with a wide grin printed on his face. I feel myself blushing a little embarrassed. Even wine?! Is he serious! As I'm about to complain, Phil intervenes.
„Indo, we are just making sure that you have a nice Date with him." He calmly exclaims, and I feel a tiny little bit betrayed. Philippines was the one firstly not really agreeing to this- and now he is doing that?! Fine then! They chuckle at me looking dumbfounded by their behavior. I scoff and exit the room. Nah, I am not dealing with that any longer.

An hour passes until there is a loud, strong knock at the door. Mal immediately giggles.
„You're date's here~" he sings as Phil rolls his eyes. I point the middle finger at Mal and open the door. As expected, Netherlands stands there, smiling warmly, slightly red on the cheeks. Before saying anything, I step out the house, closing the door behind me. Now my idiotic friends, especially Mal, can't disturb me any longer. I take a breath and look up to him, now smiling too.
„Hi Neth!" I greet, and immediately cringe afterwards. ‚Hi Neth!' -I really couldn't come up with something better? Pathetic.
„Hello Indo, good to see you." Neth responds, still smiling, easing my cringe level. He then straightens up and look past me into the distance. We stand there in silence until my throat decides to crack up and I cough. Neth flinches a little, seemingly snapping back into reality. I watch him blushing a little more, then Neth finds his voice again.
„Are you ready to go?"

We walk out of the village and into the forest. I quietly dislike and curse at the mud slowly getting through my shoes as Neth starts speaking.
„Quite peacefully isn't it?" he says, enjoying the moment.
„Mhm.." I try sounding positive, but the goddamn mud und my cold feet are making it difficult.
„Not excited?"
„Well.. it is too wet." I admit, sort of fearing his reaction a little. He chose the route hoping I would like it and..
„Oh I See!" he laughs instant, surprising me.
„Sorry I didn't know you don't like mud, personally I love the feeling of it." he giggles and raises his leg. I look down to his feet, realizing in horror that he has been walking on bare foot the entire time!
„Uh.. I.." I stutter, totally thrown off guard. Oh shit- didn't expect that happening. Neth walks in front of me and kneels down, his back facing me.
„Come on, I'll carry you for a while!" he announces. My faces heated up at the thought on what that would look like, therefore hesitating for a moment. But I mean- no one here can see us.. with the realization I start grinning like an idiot and hop on his back.

„Oof!" Neths gasps in surprise the sudden weight and I giggle.
„Wow you are.. more heavy than you look!"
„Hey- that is not true!"
„You don't know that!" Neth inhales air sharply but laughs beneath his breath too. With that we continue moving through the forest. Now not needing to watch my steps, I take my time to look around, taking the atmosphere in. I finally understand why Nether likes all of this so much. The cool, clear air, the birds chirping, Neths muddy steps and rain drops falling down from the trees within the sunlight. I lay my head on Neths scarfs, looking around more. Netherlands said I'm pretty heavy- rude- but he doesn't seem to have much problems carrying me. His heart is beating at a regularly speed, his body radiating comfortable heat. I could get used to this. Maybe someday the rest won't give us weird looks or giggle when we're together or when I'm talking about him, maybe then it'll be possible. I feel myself smiling, my head in the clouds, imagining the perfect future.
„This is really nice.." I mumble, mostly to myself.
„It is." Neth comments, assuming that I talk about something else, I think. He continues walking as I enjoy the time with him. Well, on his back. The letter was a good idea. No annoying Malaysia or Philippines. Not even PKI. So calm.

Soon enough I close my eyes.

Netherlands POV

Indonesia and I don't talk much during the walk through the forest, but I really enjoy the time with him. Jeez, my heart is just beating so fast. I am sort of glad that he doesn't see my face even tho he didn't seem to mind at his house. If we'd walk around the village like this, people would really start to think we are an actual couple. The thought makes me both embarrassed and happy. And with how are things now it doesn't even seem far from reality! Rethinking the incredible story of the past week once again- like the 1000th time, I feel a little bad thinking about Ame again, but honestly- him cheating is the best thing happening to me in like forever! Even VOC had promised me that he would leave us alone and that he would keep PKI busy, which is generous considering he HATES PKI with every fiber of being. I silently appreciate my brother.

Getting ripped out my thoughts- Indonesias body slowly becomes limp, his breathing getting slower. Is he- Is he alright? I hope so- what if something happened??? I stop in my tracks to observe Indos behavior with great detail, coming to the conclusions that.. he is just sleeping, or at least dozing off. A relief. I exhale. The surroundings are too wet to put him down somewhere, might as well finish the walk with him asleep. So I'm doing just that. Taking my mind off.

I haven't told anyone except Belgie and Lux about the plant, maybe MalPhilIndo could be trustworthy enough to know? I wonder when VOC successes in contacting the dead-dead. He hasn't given me an update in a while.. might ask him upon coming home and-
I get ripped out my thoughts once again as loud wreathing is heard. Sounds like crows. I look up in the trees. It is spring.. right, crows and other birds are brooding on this time of the year.. I think. Maybe males fighting over females? Aussie- Australia- is the one being keen on animals, not me- I'm a gardener! I work with fucking PLANTS! I gotta cut some bushes at Uk's house tomorrow. Yeah- I don't know shit about birds.

Walking further, the brooding gets louder and I silently curse. Crows are smart animals and normally totally okay, but they're gonna wake Indo up. I wouldn't want that! As long he is asleep I'm sure to be calm around him- no need to gulp my emotional mess down to look calm and professional like always. I feel Indo snuggling into my scarf at the back of the neck. I inhale, smiling, imagine how cute it must look!- yet feeling tense..

..just like the situation with Ame leaving some time ago.
Oh no.. my anxiety is showing. The unregulated brooding of the crows isn't helping! So.. annoying! Shaking a little, I come across a fir, looking up, spotting the troublemakers: some hooded crows. The visible difference is that those crows have a light gray stomach and back instant of being completely black. Aussie- explained it to me. My thoughts drift towards my friend for a second, me having a picture of him in my mind, making me smile. I like him. Can't stand him being sad. It'd break my heart.
Y'know, once every two weeks I meet up with him, and then he starts rambling over nothing but animals. I am one of the only people in the village being able to endure that for some reason. He really likes me and invites me for food often. Sometimes I bring my family, sometimes not. And the date of the next dinner with him would be...
Wait, Shit.

My stomach sinks at the bitter realization.
And I told Germany to come by too. I just.. can't say no to my friends.
I forgot. I shouldn't have put my date on the same day as this. This is completely my fault.. I sigh in frustration over my unorganized self. The entire time the crows are brooding loudly. Filled with annoyance I punch the tree, swallowing the pain, though my hand twitches.
„Shut up!" I yell up the to the birds. The crows scatter in all cardinal directions immediately as the tree shakes a little. I watch them, exhale again and lean against the tree I just punched, sideways to not disturb Indo that much. I'm really not good with time management. VOC always helps with that. I grab my scarf and put my face into it, trying to calm down, a sudden wave of anxiety washing over me. I feel like people except things I could never reach, and I don't want to let them down at any means! They worry so much when I'm not happy! They were ready to almost murder Ame over a misunderstanding.
I try taking deep breaths, my throat closing. Oh god, why does this happen right now?? At the. WORST. POSSIBLE. TIMING. EVER!

„Are you okay Neth?"
I gulp heavily.

Words: 1722

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