Chapter 4: Close up!

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Netherlands POV

Me and Lux are already waiting for quiet a while- I wonder if it was the right choice to let Belgie alone off to get the saplings- I mean they are quiet heavy. I'm leaning against the scaffolding, making myself accusations of giving her such a giant task which she might not be able to handle if she's taking that long. Meanwhile my brother Luxembourg simply sits in the sun- spreading his arms towards the sky. It looks funny.

„What are you doing?" I chuckle, it really looks hilarious you know. Lux doesn't turn to me.
„It's called Fotosynthese- Belgium is taking so long I'm bored." He complains. On that I just laugh more.
„Well you can always go to Ame and get some cow-shit as Fertilizer for our plants you know." I giggle, knowing that Lux hates the task over everything. Lux arms sink to the ground, now supporting his sitting position.
„Ehhhh- you know... watching the clouds float along the sky is pretty interesting to watch, wouldn't wanna miss this out." He says, trying to dodge the bullet. I exhale in fake-seriousness.
„Alright Alright, if it is that important to you, you can't.. go to Monaco it seems." I say as serious as I can in this totally hilarious situation.
„Wait I didn't-" Lux starts- but wasn't able to finish.

„HEYYYyy- sorry I took so long-" A very familiar voice appears out of nowhere. Belgium. Finally. Lucky you Luxembourg. I stop leaning against the scaffolding and look the way my sisters voice came from. She's carrying 3 saplings with her, seeming slightly exhausted. I see. I guess she has to make anoth-

Behind her appears Indonesia in all the sudden- making my heart skip a beat immediately. OH RIGHT I ALMOST FORGOT HE WAS HERE-
I silently curse over myself for a moment, then trying to calm enough to not seem weird now that he is around. I don't think they know that I have a crush on Indo, and as said- he is taken so there is no point in showing. I don't allow myself to look closer, and end up glaring in the sky instant- just like Lux a moment ago. Kind of ironic isn't it?
I hear Lux talking in the background, mixing with Belgiums voice- but it was blurry since I'm not even close on focusing on them.. just looking in the sky.. I swear I can hear VOC somewhere far away, but maybe that's just the wind.

Then I was thrown back into reality as someone shook my shoulder.
„Earth to Netherlands- are you there?" Belgium asks- now shaking me really hard, making me almost fall. Tho I regain balance.
„Yeah- sorry- I just spaced out. What's up again?" I quickly say, throwing a quick glare into the ground. Both Belgium and Lux narrow their eyes at me. It's not usually for me to space out. They know something is not quiet right.
„I was.. asking where to put these-" Indo presses out- and now I see that he's carrying three saplings as well- oh. But it looks like he can't hold them for much longer. Quick- a place!
„Oh- sorry- you can put them over there." I reply, pointing to the holes me and Lux previously made. Indo simply nods and goes to put the first sapling down. And just now I notice something.. he is all patched up! Bandages- I don't remember him having any before- what in the world happened?! I feel Lux: still standing next to me, narrowing his eyes further as well- as if he is suspecting something. I sort of don't really like where this is going-

„Say Belgie, did you take him inside our green house?" my brother suddenly asks out of nowhere- making everyone freeze in place. I-
Where did he take that from? I remember us three making some kind of rule of us three being the only ones allowed in the green house but-
Oh wait- no I totally see where this is coming from- I'm an idiot. Indo may had entered the glass house to get the saplings.
„No, he waited outside- no worries." Belgium replies, and I trust her- so he didn't enter our green house. Good.
„Okay good- only we three are supposed to be in there.." Lux says- sounding surprisingly threatening at the end. God- brother calm down it's just Indonesia-

A little silence hangs between us four, everyone staying quiet. Thoughts race inside my head- me trying to determin what to do next. At some point I realize that the main goal still isn't reached yet.
So we are doing that now. I clap my hands loudly- probably giving at least one person a heart attack. No regrets right there.
„Aight Lux- we don't have the entire day, let's get going." I say- hoping to sound enthusiastic, patting his shoulder. Lux flinches- but nods very soon.
„Yeah yeah okay- I'm already going." He simply says- freeing himself from my hand, going past Indo to the first hole. Kinda sad that Indo has put only one sapling down- the other two are still with him. I sigh a tiny little bit- prepare mentally and also go towards Indo to get myself a sapling to plant in. As I reach Indo, I bow down to grab the plant, my head being on Indos height.

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