Chapter 7: Americas Problem II

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Indonesias POV

It's been very few days since PKI reappeared- and it's bothering me a lot. First America cheating, then BeNeLux not really welcoming me and then PKI. I sigh. Can't get much worse I believe. I'm currently in my room. It's 4pm. Maybe a cup of tea will make me feel a little calmer? Who knows. I get up from my bed. The movement made a certain ghost flinch- I only notice from the corner of my eyes.
„What are you doing?"
„Non of your business." I whisper, not wanting to deal with him. PKI shook his head. AT LEAST he has gotten a calmer of not take control of my body- but I know it's far from over... he'll try again until he succeeds.. I suppress another sigh and walk out of the room. The sound of rain raining onto the roof of the house in quietly in the background- it's calming. I feel PKI following me, but pay no mind to it. Why would I give a shit about him anyways?

I set water in a pot over a small flame. Philippines and Malay are in the room too.
„Making tea?" Malaysia asks, looking curious to my actions. I shrug.
„Yeah sure, you want some?" I question back.
„I'm taking some." He simply said- and I watch him turning his head back to the window. Mal has cuddled himself in a blanket, staring outside the window. He loves rain and watching it- kinda like a hobby? I internally shrug it off.
„Me too if you don't mind." Phil raises his hand to get my attention.
„Well actually I do." I roll my eyes. Mal snickers and Phil sighs.
„Please..?" He asks. PKI started telling me not to- but I ignore it professionally.
„I was kidding. Of course you can have some too." I simply say, and watch the water in the pot with some concentration.

That was until...
Malay shoots up.
„Hey! I see Monaco and Luxembourg outside!" he reports. Me and Phil turn our heads to him. Huh? They're outside? With that weather? It's practically storming.
„Wait really? They are out n o w ???" Phil questions my thoughts out loud.
„I'm telling you!"

Phil closes his book and stands up.
„Then let's get them in here! We can tease them and they won't catch a cold." The country demands and goes to the door- opening it. I get my attention back to the tea- or almost boiling water, as I hear Philippines yelling.
„Monaco! Luxembourg! Over here!" Phil yells through the strong rain outside. A few minutes later the door closes again, and I hear two unfamiliar people panting- probably the said countries. Meanwhile I take the boiling water off the fire and fill the teapot. Now I just need to wait a few more minutes and It's done.

I decide to turn my attention to the countries that had arrived. Philippines had brought them a towel to get a little dryer.. which isn't working very well as far I see it. Anyways. I lean on the counter, next to the teapot.
„What were you two doing out there?" I question. The country looking very similar to me shakes his head.
„Lux left me waiting, and then it began to rain all of the sudden." He explained. Oh I see they were waiting for each other~
„Sorry-" Lux brings out- still a little out of breath. Monaco looks to him.
„It's fine- It's only water. But why weren't you coming?" He says. The other European country stayed silent. I wonder what's the reason.
„It's.. complicated.." Lux eventually says, softly and carefully- hesitatingly with his words. Okay he had my attention- but now he has my curiosity! I focus. The rest seems a little confused but curious as well.
„What happened?" Malay then asks everyone's thoughts out loud. Lux sighs.
„Well.. it's about Netherlands.. oh by the way Indo. I've seen you are making tea- may I have some of it too?" Luxembourg finally spits out. Huh? It's about Netherlands? The caring, kind and loved by everyone gardener? My stomach sinks, me getting a little worried. Phils eyes widen, surprised too.
„Is he alright?!"
„Yes of course. But his behavior is.. let's say unusual and I'm worried." Luxembourg replies to Phils question. I shake my head- remembering his question from before.
„Oh yeah- you can have some tea- have a seat too you two. I don't know about Phil and Mal, but I'd like to know more. Maybe we can help somehow?" I offer. Lux looks at me motionless for a moment, but cracks a sad smile then.
„Yeah that'd be nice." He nods and proceeds to sit down, Monaco next to him. Phil walks over too, standing next to me. Only Malay stays at the window- yet still looking curious over to us four.

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