Chapter 6: Aftermath

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Netherlands POV

Me and and the USA walk down the path back to my house and the entrance to the garden. I told him that I'd talk with Indonesia about what had happened, but I also said that I couldn't promise a good outcome. Ame understood that I'm going to try but there is a chance that I don't succeed, and wishes me luck. But he still ends up getting flowers- some red tulips. Yellow tulips are my favorite if you go with color. I love yellow and orange color tones!
As I was done, Ame says his goodbye and leaves- I wave after him and watch until he is gone. Even tho the country is gone, I just continue standing there, thinking nothing, yet my head becomes heavy- as if it just realized what task I agreed to.

Spacing out, I hear a male and a female voice in the distance speaking. The stress overcomes me. Why did I get myself into this? Because I'm what they call a pure hearted person? Is it because Ame is my friend? Should I be fighting for Indonesias attention and love instant of not interfearing? What am I supposed to do? What am I not supposed to do? Over all those questions I can't answer myself I start feeling dizzy, eventually falling to my knees, sitting down, just staring into nowhere.
My heart cracks once more.

Luxembourgs POV

Me and Belgium, finished with lunch break, watch brother Nether and Ame walking to the front gate. Ame has Tulips with him, seems happy and waves, leaving. Nether waves back, but continues standing there for a good while. For too long. For some reason my stomach sinks a little. Neth usually doesn't look after a person for so long.. I feel Belgium next to me tensing up as well, also noticing that something is not right. Nether is like an open book to us- it's easy to read his emotions like happy and sad.
„Is he.. okay?" I awkwardly question.
„I'm not sure... I mean he is a little more tired than usually.. but he doesn't act like this does he?" My sister answers. I nod in response. Then Belgie called out to our Brother- but he doesn't respond. I now call out to him too. Again- nothing.
„It seems like he isn't hearing us or anything-" I establish, worried. You see- Netherlands isn't a person who spaces out usually. He always has his ears everywhere, which can be both annoying and helpful, and he is always open for contact- and now he is doing the opposite!

But we two remain silent and in place- carefully observing our oder brother- until he shakes a little and falls on his knees, sitting.
?! HUH?!
„What's wrong with him?!" I ask, slightly panicking. Belgium isn't calm as well.
„Stop asking me I don't know!" she replies, same mood as me. After hesitating for another moment, we both decide to rush to Nether. Upon reaching him I lay eyes on a horrific view. NETHER IS CRYING! WHAT?!
I start sweating. I've seen Nether cry once or twice in my entire life, and I'm old. So what in the world did America tell or do to him that he is crying now?!

„Nederland! Can you hear me???" Belgie shakes Neths shoulder, desperately trying to build contact with him. I just watch, scared.
Netherlands- only quietly crying before, now starts sobbing. Belgium stops and I take a step back. Neither of us knows how to handle this. He's so confident normally... which is why everyone likes him.. but now.. I mentally shake my head. My thought aren't helping this- not at all! God.
I take a deep breath, and bow down to my siblings hight.
„Hey Neth.. what's wrong? What happened between you and America?" I softly ask. Sobbing is the response. Belgie tilts her head.
„It's okay.. Let's go inside the house shall we?" She offers. Belgium is right. Everyone could see him out here- and it would not only hurt his pride, but he also wouldn't want to worry anyone. As predicted, Netherlands nods, and shakily stands up. I immediately help him- since he doesn't seem to stand stable. With that- we three walk back to our house..

Hours have passed.
Me and Belgium sit in absolute silence in the main room of our house. It had started raining in the meantime, so we sit there with tea- listening to the rain, still worried. Our brother has been in his room the whole day. I still don't understand what happened- but I swear if I find out-
„He Lux- you wanted to meet with Monaco in 15 minutes." Belgium reminds me, monotonous. She had cried a little too, in worry about Neths very unusually behavior..
I mean-
I always look forward to see Monaco.. but I think my family needs me more.. I tilt my head.

„I'll go later. He'll understand." I sigh. My sister looks up, surprised.
„Really? But I thought-"
„I'd rather be here right now.." I interrupt her. Belgium looks at me, her surprised expression fading into a small smile.
„Every time."

After emptying the what feels like 5th cup of tea, I decide to check on Netherlands. Wonder how he is doing.. we have been silently to his room without opening the door or interrupting him in any way from time to time.
I excuse myself to Belgium and stand up. Before going to Neths room- I fill new water in our boiling pot. Reaching the said room, I hesitate as I hear mumbling from inside. Curious, I lay my ear against the door- catching words from what seems like a conversation, sadly understanding only little- Neth is speaking Dutch.
„I'ts not.."
„Because of.."
„..don't know what to do.."

I curse over myself in silence, not being able to understand much of it- but who is he talking to? There possibly can't be anyone in his room without us having noticed!
I inhale deeply- knocking, shortly opening the door afterwards.
I see Neth sitting on his bed- looking up to me. I'm relieved seeing he had calmed down for the most part- but he's most definitely alone... so-
„Are you checking on me again?" the tall country asks me, flinching. I stare at him- confused and sweating a bit. How does he know?! Yes I said that me and Belgium were here from time to time in front of his door- but I'm the first one entering! I shake my head a little. Keep going.
„Uh- yeah.. How are you feeling?" I ask in return, closing the door behind me.
„Better I guess... sorry for the trouble." Neth smiles a little at me, making me gulp.
„Netherlands, if something is wrong you can always tell us! That's what family is for remember? You have said it yourself." I softly say, trying not to sound strict, sitting down on the bed next to him. Nether looks away.
„I know.. I'm sorry.." He replies softly too. I tilt my head.
„Don't burden yourself to much about it, can you tell me what Ame did to you?"

„He did nothing wrong, we had a good time together-" Neth says, clearly irritated. But not nearly as irritated as me.
„Huh??? But then why did you-"
„I'm not sure. Maybe it built up over the years?" My brother questions back. We look at each other, and then start giggling. God-
„Okay- I can life with that- but seriously- talk to us ok?" I say, officially taking this as reason, but honestly I'm not convinced. I'll talk about it with Monaco.. or someone else.

Netherlands POV

I feel VOCs presence next to me. Honestly I feel like crying again, even if I just had. But not because of Lovesickness or anything like that, but because my family is so generous with me.. I exhale shakily. But I'm bothering them with it, that's not what I want to do. It's going to be alright- calm down.
Me and VOC were just in a conversation that was quiet interesting. VOC had changed the topic to his usually ‚building-contact-to-the-dead-dead-people'-project. It's keeping him sane, and he finally made another advancement- but before he could tell me- Lux came. It's nice that he checks on me, but I don't really want to talk to them now- it's really not personal again him I swear..

So I think about how to lure him away.
„Didn't you want to go to Monaco?" I ask after a while. This country is always a good excuse for Lux to leave or something.
„You are more important." Lux mumbles back. I snicker.
„Man- I'm honored- but isn't he still waiting in the rain for you?" I question. On that Lux straightens up- almost shocked.
„Ahhh..ahaha... I forgot that." He admits. I snicker louder.

„Man, just go to him- I'm okay I swear." I say after calming a little. Luxembourg still seems unsure- but nods.
„Alright... Belgium is in the main room. She's still worried- you should talk to her."
„I Will. Have fun, but be back before 11."
„Yeah yeah."

With that, Lux leaves my room. I sigh and lay down again- looking at the ceiling. VOC floats into my view.
We look at each other and I smile. He smiles back.

„So Brother- what advancement did you make today?"

Words: 1577

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