Chapter 2: Working day with visitors

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Netherlands POV

Me, Belgium and Luxembourg went outside for today's work- I don't know where VOC is but he is going to be alright- isn't like he can die or anything. I mean literally. Like discussed at breakfast we want to replant some things, as well put the wine saplings in today. But since Belgie is still complaining about them we replant at field three first. We have different field for different plants. They are not as big as the fields from Poland and the others working as farmers. Actually they are pretty small in comparison- but bigger than usual plant fields. Anyways. Belgie went off to get the Flower brooches that need to be replaced while Lux and I are digging the hole for them- taking the dead ones out in the process. Not much time passed- I admit I'm pretty focused when I'm working, but then Belgium speaks up out of nowhere to a that turns out to be very familiar person- who seems to have entered our property while we didn't look. My stomachs turns upside down immediately, I silently curse over myself.

„Hm? Indo? What are you doing here? Do you want some flowers? Or herbs?" Belgie asks non other than Indonesia. Oh God. Yeah also we have a garden inside a garden full of herbs- anyways- I didn't look up- but threw a side look to him anyways. The small figure stood in front of my sister. Indonesia is at least 40- or even 50cm smaller than me, he wears a dark, almost wine red hoodie and his hat- with the beautiful face and soft and fluffy hair... don't get distracted Neth.
Tho I quickly noticed that he wasn't in a good mood. I wonder what happened? I wouldn't want anything bad happening to him. Not ever!

„Oh? No.. I don't need anything.. thanks tho." The Bee-keeper replies and and declines with his words and a wave from his hand. He even sounds down! But he is already taken- but it won't be cheating if I just ask what's wrong- but what if he doesn't want to talk about it and- AAAAAA-
My mind is a mess I admit it. God damnit why do I have a crush on him? There is NO CHANCE we'll be together- like ever. So.. it might be just better to keep my distance and let Belgie do the talking..

„No? Really? Are you just here to see the flowers?" Begium questions further. I guess I didn't stop staring at the both because now Lux stopped digging to, getting closer to me.
„Does he come here often..?" Lux whispers- and I felt how he was not cooperative towards another person being on our property. I can understand that- but I mean we are talking about Indo and I mean-
No Netherlands. Forget it.

At this point I realized that I still need to respond to my brother- luckily not much time had passed- so I tear my eyes away from the visitor and look at the hole I dug, finally responding. But to be honest- Indonesia really was here more ofter over the past time- as it started to get warmer after the winter again- as we started to work outside again- but this is the first time I see him in our garden and not just watching from the fence. Weird. Maybe it has something to do with his current mood?
„Since the winter is leaving and we are working outside again- yes- yes indeed." I finally answer Luxs question- who just nodded in response, deciding to continue to digging. I did so too. Belgium already brought the Flower brooches and me and Lux were now putting and burying them. They don't need to be watered right now, the ground is still wet enough from the some rain a few nights ago. Good and less work for us.

I check the to-do-list in my head. Primer Priority now are the wine saplings- and we still need to dig holes for them. They need to be bigger than the ones for the Flower brooches. Just continue your work and ignore him. Didn't work well- and I start to listen the next sentences of Belgies and Indos conversation.
„Great for you then. I mean- honestly there isn't much else to see around the village. We want to cut the tulips soon!" She says, smiling happily. Indo just nods and looks around. I decide to take action.

„Belgium! Go get the wine saplings will you? I want to harvest those sweet sweet Grapes next autumn." I say loudly, looking up to her- trying not to look to Indo. Belgium turned around to me, saluting.
„Yes Sir! 5?"
„All 6." I demand. Belgium nods, and runs off. Indonesia turns to me with a questioning look.
„You guys have wine plants-things?" He questions, tilting his head.

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