Chapter 12: Talking Plants! Also, Letters.

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Belgiums POV

Believe me when I say chasing down someone like Neth is no easy task. He has pretty long legs and a good amount of stamina, but eventually me and Lux caught up to him, now interrogating his behavior. From his facial color and expression to to expressing the nervousness and everything else just between MalPhilIndos and our house it is clear: he is in love. I think. After catching our brother, Lux and I sneakily tease/frustrate Neth until he'd talk:

„Shut up you two!"
„Then tell us everything or I might press charges!"
„How will yo-"
„I'm serious Neth, or I'm telling MalPhilIndo! Who is it whom you fell for?!"

Nether sighs. Yes- we got him! He looks away, mumbling.
„Indonesia." he admits. I gasp. Indonesia?!
„For how long??" it slips from my mouth.
„Longer than you think."

I glare to Lux. He seems a little surprised too, but then smiles.
„Aw man, why didn't you tell us?"
„Because you would not leave me alone with the topic."
„Fair enough."
„Yeah you're right hehe."

As Nether predicted, we spend the day working we repeatedly teasing him about it, and oh boy, it is fun.
I see Netherlands walking towards the green house. Strange, I just picked something up from there- why is he going there? Have I forgotten something? Nah no way. Couldn't be me. But maybe he remembered something he didn't get? Eh.. he has gone through enough today, I'll leave him some privacy.

Netherlands POV

After a noon and early afternoon of horror (aka my stupid siblings) I more or less sneakily make my way away from them to the green house. I just need some peace okay? Walking down the path, and familiar voice yells out to me, surprisingly not trying to scare me this time.
„Heeee! Brother!" I turn my head to see a familiar, transparent figure floating towards me. VOC.
„Oh- hi VOC. There you are." I mumble back as greeting. Getting close, I see VOC being unusually exhausted. I tilt my head.
„What's wrong?"
„Ah oh."
„No- I mean he is here, with us, next to me. Right now." he sighs. I stop in my tracks.

Then VOC got slapped by a for me invisible PKI. So he really is here. Silence.
I blink a few times. Right, I'm not able to see PKI, only VOC. I awkwardly clear my throat, getting the attention.
„Okay then I guess.. tell me why PKI is with you." I then say, continuing to walk. The ghosts follow me. I walk in silence until VOC speaks.
„Well PKI isn't giving me a valid reason so you can imagine your part on why he's here." he then says, and shortly afterwards complains. No need to detail the fighting between the dead more.
„Aha." I respond, reaching the green house. Going inside, I make my way to the back, to my exotic plants. One of the three is blooming by now. Beautiful. I look in aw at what I managed to grow, feeling really proud of myself.

„Woah, it's pretty! Even PKI thinks that too!" VOC comments, boosting my ego.
„Thank you thank you. But now we need to try if it's practical." I advise. VOC nods, then vanishing into the plant as I silently pray for it to work. Please. Please. Please!

„Hello?" it comes from the plant, and I flinch at it.
„VOC is that you?!" I question immediately. The plant gasps.
„Yes! Yes it is! It works!" VOCs voice beams from the flower.
„YES FINALLY! AFTER ALL THIS TIME!" I celebrate. VOC then un-possesses the flower, grinning widen.

„It is so awesome!" he squeaks, but seems to be interrupted immediately afterwards. His expression changes. Seems like PKI doesn't agree or something. I lean again a table behind me to just listen in.

„PKI I swear don't ruin this for me."
„Huh? What do you mean it's not valid??"
„Because.. Neth already hears me..? I.. hate to say this but I guess you are right.." VOC excitement dies down, and with the realization mine does as well. Oh that's right..
„Huh? Really? Wait-" VOC then suddenly says, widening his eyes. Oh god what is happening now?-

„..Can you hear me Netherlands?" suddenly- the plant talks again. I screech.
„Yes- that is my name. So the flower does work as intended." the flower scoffs.
„Well of course it does." I scoff back, feeling offended.
„...Good Job." PKI then compliments me out of literally nowhere- almost sounding shy. Huh? Wait wha-
„Did you just compliment my brother you goddamn communist?!" VOC almost yells, not pleased with this. Oh dear.
„Yes I did you colonizer. Got a problem?!"
„Yes I do!"

I leave the sight, stepping out the green house.. into rain. Wait it rains again? Oh dear. But I guess it's better than with those two. Nope, not today. But wonderful that the flower works... now I just need a way to keep it alive until I have a new one. Plants live and die too y'know. I'll figure it out. Future me will be older and therefore wiser.
As I reach the main garden again the rain got stronger, starting to hurt a little, oh and also I spot someone in the distance. Sadly can't tell who tho, they're wearing a dark raincoat. Hm. I wonder why they're here. Can't be someone passing by as our garden is the last thing south west the village before the wilderness and fields. I simply stand there in the rain, well underneath a tree, as the figure approaches my house. My siblings are there probably. From the distance I see how the door only opens, then closes, afterwards the hooded figure leaves again. As they're out of sight I make a run for it and sprint over to the house, opening the door.

„Neth! Don't come in until I get you a towel!" Luxembourg immediately yells, forcing me to an abrupt stop. Shortly afterwards he runs towards me with a big towel. I take it and THEN step in.
„Who was that at the door?" I question as I dry my hair, following Lux into the main room. In there I spot Belgium making tea, grinning widen at me.
„There you are- you just missed your lover boy at the door~" she chuckles. My cheeks heat up a little.
„You mean that was Indonesia?" I ask, sitting down a meter away from her at the table, spotting thin, dried, tanned and folded animal skin there. Before you freak out: we use it like paper, it's easy to write stuff on it, and we aren't killing too many trees. Of course we got people making paper, but that is a little more.. let's say expensive. Even tho we don't really pay- it's hard to get and can only be traded.
„You totally did. But he was here to give you this letter he wrote~" Lux also sits down and wiggles his eyebrows. I lightly slap him, annoyed.

Then Belgium slides two cups of tea over the table towards me and Lux. I accept it, snatch the letter from the table and get up, walking to my room, Belgies and Luxs glares on my back.

Inside I open the letter, being impressed at the well handwriting. I didn't know Indos handwriting is that well. I smile, my cheeks heating a little. Sadly some letters are a little smeary as rain dropped onto the part of the ink. But it's still readable.

Dear Netherlands,
You are probably wondering why I'm writing, even tho we just live 100m or so apart.
Well Phil and Mal recommended this Methode to talk to you so I won't stumble over my own words or something like that hehe. Not really- I think I might enjoy writing to you from time to time.
As said, I think you were awesome today, you're very kind, understanding, philosophical, smart and athletic as well!
So with that I really want to get to know you better! How about it? How about we go for a walk or eat somewhere?
Your free to choose something. Or nothing if you don't want to or you're to busy- it's fine!
Would love it if you'd let me know :)
-Your Indo

Reading this I feel myself smiling like an idiot again. Oh god that is so sweet of him! My heart I CAN'T. I put the tea aside and simply fall on my bed, looking at the ceiling, not being able to stop smiling or anything. I mean of course I'd love to! But what should we do..?

Well obliviously not here with my siblings that'd be impossible for known reasons! But Malaysia and Philippines seem nice. I think a little more about and sit up again.
I should write a letter back.

Words: 1489
Did you find the hidden message inside Indos letter?~

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