Chapter 11: Crushing on Neth

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Netherlands POV

Uncomfortableness lies in the air. The countries around us who falsely accused Ame are very quiet, awkward. I turn around and start leaving, just wanting to get out of this situation, trembling a little. That something like this just happens after I show emotions..
I promise myself that it'll never happen ever again.

Walking back to my house, around half way there, fast footsteps appear right behind me. I wonder who-
„Neth! Wait up!" I got yelled at. Turning around, I see that Indonesia decided to follow me, and he seems a little exhausted from running. I just want my peace he isn't helping with that! But I guess.. Indo is single now- wait.

The realization kicks in, making my heart race. So I do have a chance on getting together with him! Finally! So this entire pain was actually worth it! Who would have thought?! Hiding my excitement as best as I can, I stop my tracks to let him catch up, trying not to grin like a total idiot. Gotta look cool you know. What he wants now exactly I wonder?

„What's wrong?" I ask as he arrives.
„Oh- uh nothing. You were realllllllly cool standing up for Ame!" Indo gives back, sparkling. Wait what? Me? Cool??? A COMPLIMENT??? In my surprise I start blushing, beginning to grin- so I turn my eyes away from him. I'm making this awkward aren't I?
„Oh it- it was nothing. I just felt like I was the only person being able to stop them.." I admit, still holding back as much as I can. Not that he'll think I'm a weirdo.
„Still, you showed them all! I'm proud of you." Indo is the first one to smile, and then I crack one too, fangirling inside.
Omg Omg Omg Omg.
„Thanks!" I reply with a bright smile.

We chat, walking back to our houses, getting along well. It is probably just me- but Indo seems to be more open towards me after what just happened. That is awesome! The entire time my stomach swings between warm butterfly's and wanting to throw up so badly. We then reached the Bee-keepers house and departed.
„I'll see you around! Maybe I'm coming over sometimes." Indonesia waves with a smile and turns to enter his house. I wave back, strictly walking out of view, make sure no one is around...
..and flip out. THIS DAY IS AWESOME! I now stop suppressing, grinning uncontrollably, which is hurting my jaw, being happy. Feeling very warm inside I overcome the fact that I spend all morning with him. I JUST CAN'T I-

„What are you so happy about?" Suddenly, a female voice asks out of nowhere. It gave me half a heart attack. I yelp and turn my head, seeing.. my siblings. Oh right I live here and therefore they do too. I turn bright red in embarrassment.
„W-W-What are you doing here?!" I practically yell at Belgium, who together with my brother stare at me with wide eyes at my sudden embarrassment/awkwardness.
„We... noticed you and Indonesia not being at the hill anymore.. so we decided to look for you..?" Lux slowly said as Belgium narrows her eyes.
„What did happen? You are so overly joyful- that only is when-" she gasps- and I wish I could just sink into a hole and disappear- 
Does she know about Indo? She knows me too well! But hear me out- I don't really want them to find out that I got a crush as they would annoy me constantly! No more peace! VOC is already bad but them too?? I wouldn't be able to face anyone like this!

„Brother! Neth has gotten his favorite food!" leaving me surprised and dumbfounded, my sister then shakes an even more surprised Luxembourg.
„Woah! Stop! Of course he has not Belgie! Something else had to happen! We talked about this before!" Lux frees himself and points at me- looking at our sister- and I immediately fall into the state of shock again. Oh no! I was wrong! Not Belgium knows- Lux knows! I'm screwed!

„You mean.. he is so happy, grinning uncontrollably because.."

Then both then, slowly, turn their heads to me. Oh god- THAT IS MY TURN TO RUN!
With that, I turn more red than before, turn around and sprint away, my siblings chasing after me, laughing.

Malaysias POV (oh someone new)

I stand in the kitchen- staring at an exhausted Phil. For context: Philippines was searching for Indo since he suddenly vanished- he wasn't in his room when Phil called for breakfast and I stayed here in case he would come back while Phil is out looking. And then Philippines showed up 5 minutes ago- alone- and completely SHOCKED.
Of course, I asked why, because I'm a curious being- and then he told me that Neth snapped at some others about a thing or two we got wrong!

Long story short- I feel a little guilty about us 5 (Me, Indo, Phil, Lux and Monaco) jumping to quick conclusions and therefore messing everything up. Whops.

„Well... I think we should learn from this for next time..?" I mumble.
„Yeah probably.."

We just stand there in silence, thinking, regretting- as suddenly, the door rapidly opens.
„I'm back!" Indonesia yells, certainly very happy. I screech in surprise and Phil lets out a yelp. OH GOD-
An, in a good mood, Indonesia walks in, whistling, shutting the door close. I just stand there- taken back. DUDE WHY WOULD YOU-
Phil on the other hand was less caught off guard and clears his throat.
„Oh- there you are! I was looking for you? Why so happy?" Phil questions the overly joy Indonesia before he could ask things. I shake my head and lean onto the counter to not look that stupid.

„Dude- I think I'm in love again!" He chirps.
WHA-" I give away, a little to loud- making the others look at me.
„..Sorry- go on. What do you mean?" I just say to not make it more awkward.
„Well, oh right. First of- we were so wrong!" Indo practically yells at the end of the sentence, throwing his hand into the air. Phil nods.
„Yeah I sa- I mean was notified." he responses. Indo looks a little irritated at him.
„Huh? Really?? It just happened 20 minutes ago or so."
„News spread faster than wildfire."
„I mean I guess you're right.."

„Now Indo- who is the lucky one!" I throw myself in to not just be the third wheel here, like often. I'm more of a listener, but from time to time I try to socialize a little more.
Indo turns his head and smiles, blushing a little.
„I think it's Netherlands. He was awesome- he is understanding, smart, athletic and-"
„The Netherlands? Our neighbor?" Philippines seems a little shocked- but honestly I already predicted it. I mean Neth obliviously likes him too! The way he always looks at Indo and so on.

Will I tell Indo? Absolutely not. First- it would ruin the experience for them, in my opinion, and second- I do need to get entertainment somewhere, and the story with those two seem like an ideal drama~

„Woah woah woah- take things slow Indo, you just broke up with someone- what if that happens again??" Phil interrupts my thoughts with concern, but honestly I'm not even worried.
„Huh? Oh.. uh- yeah, I guess you're right.." Indo looks a little confused at Phil, but then starts playing with his fingers. God, it really seems like I gotta take action here.
„Well you two are neighbors aren't you? Take him out to somewhere- it doesn't even need to be a date or something." I swiftly say, sounding uninterested. The both look at me. I turn my back to them.
„O-Or invite him for dinner, I don't know. And play some games afterwards! Watch the sunset. Do some stargazing! Do it as friends until both of you are sure it'll work out." I say like an expert, even tho I'm single and probably will always be, but there would be a certain someone I'd-

„That's an awesome idea!" Indos voice beamed behind me and I was pulled into a hug. AAA- TOO MUCH SOCIALIZING!
„Well, that certainly is an idea.. why don't you write him a letter?" Phil, still sounding not fully pleased says.
„A letter?"
„Yeah. Invite him over to hang out or so."
„Oh.. well- I guess I can do that." Indos grab around me slowly vanishes and I breath him. Thank god.

As I turn my head Indo already goes to his room to write it, highly motivated.
So it's a letter huh? I wonder what he'll write in it.

Words: 1464

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