Chapter 5: Americas Problem I

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Netherlands POV

The next day- VOC woke me up, as usual. So I let out a groan and eventually get up. Right- it's morning again and I am still alive. I am surprisingly tired, so my brain goes into pilot mode and I simply stand up and get dressed with an empty mind. Everyone has those kinds of mornings.
I sigh. Right. Breakfast. An important meal to the day. I walk out of my room and start preparing breakfast, VOC swirling around me- and as brain dead as I still am, I feel that he is annoyed as hell. I don't really pay mind to it. Biggest mistake of my morning.

„Take this you Zombie!" VOC practically yells through the entire room and tips water, hear me out cold water over my head. Through the coldness I immediately tense up, my eyes widen. So cold! But.. I realize that the cold water is actually refreshing. I really could wash my face- and take a shower. Honestly I haven't showered in a week or so. Oh well. I shake my head to get some of the water out of my hair, then I look up to my twin.
„Oh great- thanks." I narrow my eyes at him. VOCs eyes sparkle and he giggles.
„Finally you seem awake." He says. I sigh and shake my head again, put the cups down I had held in my hand.
„Now what's that supposed to mean?" I mumble loud enough for him to hear it and walk outside to the Rain barrel. We simply store rain water in it. I notice VOC follow, but didn't say anything as I finally wash my face with the cold water. I hate and love this feeling.
„You looked like a Zombie waking up." The ghost chuckles.
„I just didn't sleep well that's all." I grumble at him.
„Did you dream about a certain someo~-"
Shut up!"

Morning and noon went ordinary. Belgium and Luxembourg had the absolute best mood while I was a little more quiet and tired. I'm just hoping to sleep better tonight. But my siblings weren't my siblings if they haven't noticed my tiredness, so today they were so friendly to give me a little more space and took more of the work so I could relax a little. Really nice of them. The garden is pretty good, honestly I was surprised to see some Tulips already blooming. But that makes me happy and proud honestly.
Now, we are having Lunch break. The weather is surprisingly good. The clouds from last night vanished into thin air and it's sunny, even warm enough to eat outside, which is exactly what we're doing. Belgie went buying bread from the Germans and Lux disappeared, saying he'll bring something great. And if he is saying that I'm really expecting something. I simply got drinks, knives and forks, butter etc. Simple stuff you know. First my sister returned with the bread, then my brother. We couldn't quiet believe what he brought with him.

„NUTELLA?!" Belgium practically yells my surprise out loud. Lux seemed proud. You see we don't get much of that kind of this since we are all producing for ourselves- but sometimes our countries send us some special food- AND LUX GOT THE ONE AND ONLY NUTELLA?!
„Where did you get that?" I ask. Lux smirks.
„Secret~" He says- but I have a suspicion.
„Yeah he's got it from Monaco." VOC- who actually was there with me and the others the entire morning said, confirming my thoughts.
„Yeah, Definitely Monaco." I whisper back, mostly for myself tho. It's always Monaco so I kinda stopped wondering at some point.

After Belgium calmed down we three ate Bread with Nutella. VOC went off to somewhere again. I'm gonna start a war here saying we three ate it without butter, but I'm regretting nothing. Nothing.

But our meal was interrupted as someone knocked at our fence. I look to the two.
„I'm getting that. Just continue eating." I offer. Both nod in response. So I get up and walk to our fence to see who's there.
America. A weird feeling makes itself in my stomach wide, making it feel more tense and heavier. Remember, America is Indonesia boyfriends and I CERTAINLY don't LIKE him because of THAT.
Okay Netherlands. Netherlands Amsterdam- deep breathing- act naturally. It is not his fault you feel this way towards his partner and he is honestly a good person, you wouldn't want to ruin their life- so get your fucking shit together!

I exhale sharply and approach Ame, putting a smile on my face.
„Oh hey Ame- good seeing you." I greet, raising my hand for a little wave. Ame tilts his head, returning the smile. He seems a little sad tho. I start wondering. Why is he here? Flowers? Emotional support? I said I'm somehow sort of a therapist here or something. We'll see.
„Hey Nether, you too." The American then replies, leaning his arms on the fence. I look at him- trying to read his expression. It's hard because he is always wearing those glasses. I wonder..
„Well- what can I do for you?" I ask, now curious. Ames head turns to the garden.
„You see- I'm here for flowers.." He answers. Oh! Our first visit for flowers! My mood lightens slightly.
„Oh sure- come in! What are they for?" I ask, letting Ame inside. Immediately he seems more relaxed. I start walking down the path to our Tulips, Ame follows.
„They are for a great person, Indonesia.." America tells me while walking. I clench my teeth together. Am I lucky that he is walking behind me. He still sounds sad tho. Did something happen?
„Oh. I- I see. Why are you sounding so down?" I stop walking, internally trying to calm. Ame bumped into me, but stayed there- close to me. I tense up. What in the world-

America stays quiet, something is really burden him, I feel it. I remain silent too.
„Do you.. want to talk to me about it?" I offer- and feel Ames head nodding in my coat.

You know, sometimes I wonder how I get myself in situations like these. America and I are sitting underneath a willow tree on our land on a hill, surrounded by growing plants. Between mid spring and mid summer, this is my favorite spot. I sit on the grass, Ame sits next to me.
Then he starts telling me.
„I.. got into a fight with Indonesia.. about well... I-" he spits part of the information out, and started sobbing. HUH?! Internally- I started panicking- but more over the fact that Ame just started crying. I hate seeing people sad. So I did the most natural thing and pulled him into a hug. Sure- I'm more tense to him because of Indo, but he is still a good friend! He doesn't deserve to be sad like this! Ame hugs back.
„Thanks.." He just brings out. I carefully remove his glasses, place them down next to us and caress through Ames hair to calm him a little, smiling slightly and comforting. It helps. Soon, Ame calmed enough to speak.
„Now.. why did you two get into a fight?" I carefully ask, trying not to make him cry again.
„Well I.. accidentally cheated on Indo.. with.. you know- w-with-" I shut Ame before he could finish, a little shocked myself. Indo got cheated at?! Ame cheated on him?! Oh dear god. I suppress the upcoming happy feeling inside me THIS IS THE WRONG TIME- I need to comfort my friend.

So I pull Ame closer.
„What do you mean with ‚Accidentally'?" I question with a soft voice.
„I.. was drunk. You remember Bulgarias party a week ago? Luxembourg went there I remember.. it.. it happened there.. I-I didn't want to-" Ame shakes saying it. Oh dear. But yes I remember Lux coming back drunk after the party and that night I promised myself to NEVER let him to a party again. I pat Ame- overcoming myself to help him with his relationship to Indo.
Yes- I love Indo too, but it is the right thing. Believe me it is hard- I literally feel my heart cracking.

„I see, I'll help you. With you and me explaining he'll surely understand." I say quietly and smile a little. God this expression hurt I just wanna cry to myself. Tho Ame's expression lights up a little.
„Really?" He asks, sounding in disbelief. I only bring out a nod, my throat being sour.

He hugs me tighter.
„Thanks! You're the best friend I ever had!" America thanks me, still shaking. I can't help it and look at him in awe for a second.
We stay silent, me just giving emotional support, which helps, Ame seems way more relieved than before. Thank god. I think I might cry about this later tho.

„You know Neth, you are a great pillow. Whoever your partner is must be very lucky, I'm almost getting jealous." America suddenly says, and I almost choke on my own saliva. Huh?!
„Ame.. I don't have a partner." I reply carefully.
„Really? You're single?? Sucks for you. Must be hard." He chuckles a little, and I exhale, happy that the old Ame I know gets through again.
„Idiot." I chuckle too. We both laugh and talk for a while, I mostly do that to cheer him a little more. But one thought sticks in my mind and it is constantly stressing me out:

Why did I agree to that and how the fuck am I going to handle that for Ames and my emotional states sake?

Words: 1609

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