The Aftermath

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A/N: as promised here is part 2 of The fight. There will be angst and fluff. Btw this is after they fixed the house and their magic is back.
Maribel POV: I woke up to the sound of knocking. Now a days I never left my room for meals in fear of abuela so camilo usually brought my food to me. The door opened but it wasn't camilo this time it was abuela. I stood there not knowing what to do. If she didn't feel sorry then, why would she feel sorry now. She walked over to me and set my food down then she said "why are you still alive? You may have brought the magic to life but you are still the useless person you have always been!" I stood there frozen in fear them I started crying. She then said "yeah that's it, cry. Cry like the little baby you are!" I still sat there her words weren't true sure I knew that but to have your own abuela say that. Then she went over and grabbed my food and threw it on the floor so then I had nothing to eat. Then she left. I was still crying when she left. I heard knocking then the door opened I didn't bother to look because I knew it was camilo. He's the only one who bothered to check on me now a days. He came over and sat on my bed and spoke. He said "Maribel? Are you okay? Dolores heard what abuela said and told me to check on you." I was still crying I decided to sit up and look at him. He saw me and hugged me and said "you know what abuela said wasn't true." I didn't answer. He sighed and hugged me more. I then started to feel hungry. My stomach growled and I suddenly felt very embarrassed. Camilo chuckled and told me he would be back. He left then came back with food for me and him. I was confused on why he brought his food up here so I asked "why did you bring your food up here with you?" He answered saying "because im going to make sure you eat. And in order to do that I may as well eat up here with you." I was afraid to eat my food because abuela usually makes the food and last time she almost poisoned me. He saw this and said "Don't worry your mom made the food and made sure abuela was no where near it." I nodded and started to eat. After we were done eating he took our plates and went downstairs.

Camilo POV: I was getting ready to take Mirabel's food to her when Dolores told me that abuela should be the one to do it. I didn't trust her but I didn't argue either. I just handed Mirabels food to her and sat down at the table. I told dolores to keep an ear out for abuela and mirabel. She nodded. A little while after dolores tapped on me on the shoulder and told me to go to Mirabels room after abuela came out. I nodded and told her to tell me what she heard. I was furious but said nothing. After I saw abuela come out I left the table and went to Mirabels room. I comforted her and then her stomach growled I chuckled and told mirabel to wait. Then I left and got us food considering I hadn't even touched my plate mainly because I was worried about mirabel. I passed abuela and sent her a dirty look behind her back. I quickly went to mirabels room and she questioned me I answered her question.

A/N: sorry I got lazy at the end. There will be no part 3. This was shorter than usual sorry :(

Words before editing: 660
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Posted: January 3rd 2022
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