The Abuse Of Mirabel

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A/N: This story idea does not belong to me. I was given this idea by TicciToby-233. Please go follow them. This one shot will be a little different. Thank you and enjoy as always!

Mirabel POV: I don't know when it started. I guess when I was a little kid maybe after I didn't get a gift. I sat on my bed when I heard a knock on my door. I slowly stood up and opened the door. When I saw it was tía pepa. I sighed in relief knowing it wasn't abuela. Tía pepa looked at me oddly but said nothing. She walked up to me and said "Abuela wants you, she told me to come and get you. She said she will be in her room." I stood there frozen and my thoughts went wild. No, no no, no, no, no, no, no, NO! I was freaking out. Tía Pepa saw this and grabbed me by my shoulders and told me to calm down. I took slow breathes and went to go to abuela's room. I was walking and I got there. I went up to her door and knocked slowly. Then Abuela opened the door. She said " As soon as she saw me she pulled me by my arm and dragged me in her room. She then threw me on the floor. She said "I can't believe you weren't given a gift, your so useless!" I got up and said "Yes Abuela I am useless because I didn't get a gift." There was no use with arguing against her. She owns this house and is able to kick me out if she wanted. That's 1 thing I wondered; why she hasn't kicked me out. I tried not to think too much but I just couldn't help but wonder why she hasn't kicked me out I mean I am useless to the family. I have no gift and Isabela is always saying that i'm in the way and stuff. The only thing I helped was the candle, come to think of it I have never helped anyone in my life. First my door disappeared all because I touched the doorknob then the candle dims then I grow up and I'm always in the way. So all in all Abuela and Isabela have always been right. All along they were both right, and I hate to admit that. Anyway after I agreed with her she grabs my wrist and throws me into the wall. I heard a crack, I didn't know if that was my back or the wall. I decided it was best not to look back and check. She then grabbed me (again😑) by the head and slammed it on the ground. Then she keeps me on the ground and kicked me over and over she usually abused me emotionally and physically. But the physical abuse never got this bad, sure she left me with some scars and bruises the only bad scar was in my face really. Honestly though, the one in my face was my fault, I kept annoying Abuela so she grabbed a vase and threw it at me I'm pretty sure she meant to throw it beside me but a piece landed in my forehead. Anyway back to the present time. I new something had to have been bleeding by now. After Abuela was done abusing me she threw me out of her window and if course the Casita caught me and gently laid me in front of tía Pepas room. I slowly stood up and knocked on the door. She opened her door and as soon as she saw me she gasped and covered her mouth. She then started tearing up and hugged me. I hissed in pain and shedded a tear because it hurt so much. Abuela really got me good this time. She grabbed my hand gently and pulled me inside.

Pepas POV: Abuela told me she wanted Mirabel and she told me that I had to be the one to go get her because I was right there. I said nothing as I left her room to go get Mirabel. I knocked on Mirabels door and put my ear against the door. I heard her hold her breath as she walked up to the door. She then opened the door and sighed a breathe of relief. I wanted to question it but knew I shouldn't. I quickly told her that Abuela wanted her and soon as the word "Abuela" came out of my mouth she froze. Again I didn't question it. She just nodded and made her way to Abuelas room. I then went to my room to think. I thought on why Mirabel would be afraid of Abuela but nothing came up. I decided to leave it be and just lay down. I couldn't sleep so I just sat on my bed. I then heard a knock on my door and when I opened it I saw Mirabel...except she was all bruised and bloodied. I gasped and felt myself tearing up. That's when it all clicked, Abuela has been abusing Mirabel. I gently grabbed her hand and pulled her in my room and sat her on my bed. I told her to wait right there for me. She just nodded and sat there. I went downstairs and took a piece of bread that Julieta made earlier and went back upstairs. I handed Mirabel the piece of bread and told her to eat it. She grabbed it and ate it slowly. I felt so bad that I couldn't be there to protect my sobrina (niece). After she was done eating her wounds started healing, of course some of the wounds weren't able to heal so I went to my bathroom and took out a first aid kit and gently bandaged them up. After I was done I saw that she had been silently crying. I looked up and hugged her. I said "Mirabel, you don't have to cry silently around me. I'm not Abuela, I won't abuse you for crying or for messing up." She looked at me and nodded. Her eyes then fluttered and I chuckled and asked "getting tired?" She just nodded. I laid her down on my bed and put covers over her. I laid next to her and hugged her so if she got any nightmares I could be right next to her and calm her down.

A/N: I hope you liked it I'm so sorry it took me 3 days to upload it I had a lot of school work piled on me and I haven't had any free time. Please forgive me. The next one might be out in a week or so. I will only upload once or twice a week from now on. I will upload Wednesday and Fridays unless there is something going on that day I will let you know somehow.

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Posted: January 10, 2022
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