Tía Pepa finds out...

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A/N: this chapter was requested by Babsitheclownface. If you want a request please dm me, it's okay if you leave your request in the comments but I would prefer if you dm me if you have a request. Also I am trying to get better at putting what you wanted up top as a picture. I am very sorry if you make a request and I don't put the picture up top. Thank you for requesting this idea and I hope all of y'all like it.

Mirabel POV: I knew there was something wrong with me. From the moment I stopped eating. I couldn't eat because everytime I did I felt like throwing up. I don't know what's wrong with me. Every night it was the same routine someone would go up to my door and knock and tell me dinner was ready. I would open the door and tell them that I wasn't hungry of course they all suspected something was up so eventually everyone stopped bothering all together....all except one person and you may think oh it's Camilo or Dolores or maybe even Julieta but no your all wrong. The person who always came up and tried to get me to go downstairs and eat is tía Pepa. But even though she tried I never did key word being tried.

A/N: there will be a part 2 idk when but yeah sorry this is so short think of it as a little sneak peek. I've just been down in the dumps lately and writers block came out of no where so I will continue this book but it will take me a bit. Requests are still open if you would like to request something. Please dm me if you have requests. I will take any genre of plot you want just no smut bc yuck

Words before editing:  326
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Posted before editing: 2/24/22
Posted after editing:????

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