The flu

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A/N: this chapter will be a little shorter than the rest. And also this is a fluff mostly and a mirabel sickfic bc why not. Basically Mirabel is sick and you'll have to see who takes care of her. Ok on to the oneshot, enjoy!

Mirabel POV: I woke up and immediately noticed that I had a headache, I mean it would make sense since my head is pounding and won't stop. It feels like there are drums in my head. I also feel sluggish and dizzy. Overall I felt terrible. I got up but regretted it. I felt nauseous and knew I was going to throw up. I guess Casita noticed this because Casita brought a bucket to my room. I fell over and puked in the bucket. I then heard someone come in my room and I felt their hand on my back and their other hand pulling back my hair. I felt exhausted and fell back. I then heard a voice the person said "Mirabel, are you okay? I'm sorry I can't get Julieta at the moment because I'm staying with you." I recognized the voice as tío Bruno's voice. I just nodded and told him it was okay. He carried me to bed and said "sleep mirabel you'll need the rest. I will still be here when you wake up." I nodded thankfully and drifted off to sleep.

Bruno POV: I was in the walls watching the mice play sports when I heard Mirabel but she sounded sick? I went to go check it out and when I got there my eyes widened. I saw mirabel hunched over puking in a bucket with no one to comfort her. I walked over and knelt beside her and I put one hand on her back and one holding her hair back. After she was done puking she fell back into my arms. I picked her up and put her In her bed and said "get rest you'll need it" with that I saw her drift to sleep. I smiled and sat there until she woke up. Soon she was feeling herself and I left but made sure to visit her.

A/N: sorry this one was really short. I am really tired but I wanted to finish this. I finished this at 9:20 but when I publish it, it would be around 4 maybe 5 pm. Have a nice day or night or afternoon whatever time you are reading this. Goodbye make sure to drink water and eat food. Next chapter might take me a bit sorry but anyway I hope you enjoyed oh and happy late new year,sorry!

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Posted before editing:1/28/22
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