Birthday special!!

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A/N: hello im publishing this on my birthday 11/10!! Hehe I'm super excited and I don't know if this chapter idea is original I haven't been keeping up with the other mirabel oneshot books 😅
But anyway I have no forgotten about everyone's requestsin the comments I cant promise about getting to them anytime soon like I said I will update whenever I can but pls know I didn't forget about everyone's requests!! Also I'm going to go with the idea that its Mirabel's birthday just because and she's aged down at least I think so I forgot how old Mirabel is. If yall want to correct me in the comments go ahead and I will fix the issue as soon as possible!Anyway enjoy the story!
Mirabel POV: I woke up and was super excited becau see today is my birthday!! Uh huh thats right your girl is 16! Hehe I immediately went downstairs and saw Camilo already up. Huh that's a surprise. "Hey Camilo!" "Huh oh hey Mirabel!" Huh that's weird he didn't say happy birthday uhh maybe he'll say it later... oh well I just decided to go wake everyone else up. After I woke everyone else up they all went down stairs and no one said a word. Did they really forget my birthday....? I suddenly felt sad mainly bc today is my birthday and everyone always greets me with happy birthday. I decided to be excused saying I couldn't eat anymore and I went to the town to help the townsfolk. I went down and everyone rejected my help saying they needed Luisa or Isabella. One villager rudly said that I was needed and how I was useless. I decided to go home and go to my room.  Today has been the worst. I started to cry silently. I didn't care who heard me or it anyone walked in. Dolores came in and said "happy birthday Mirabel". I'm sorry everyone else forgot about it. "Its okay. Just means I'm not important  enough to them" I laughed bitterly. She frowned slightly. "Mirable you know that's not true..." "they why did they forget my birthday?" I asked quietly.

No ones POV:
Dolores didn't answer because she wasn't sure why they forgot. She sughed and hugged Mirabel and then walked out. Little did Mirabel know someone was listening in. Dolores knew who was listening in. So when she walked out she said "you had better fix it Camilo." The boy nodded and ran off.

Time skip brought by Delilah :)

Later on in the evening Dolores came in and told Mirabel that dinner is ready. She walked out and faked a smile. Dolores frowned again. She hates seeing her cousin sad. She walked behind Mirabel and eventually made it downstairs. They all ate in silence once again until Camilo spoke up and said "Happy birthday Mirabel!" Everyone was shocked. They all forgot her birthday (minus Camilo and Dolores) "Thank you Camilo" she chuckled, happy that someone remembered her birthday. Eveyone began to apologize and started getting super loud. Mirabel ended it by saying "its ok I understand you all probably had a lot of stuff going on. I get it" (I had a huge urge to say yall but I didn't) they all nodded weakly of course they still felt bad about forgetting her birthday. They decided to put it in their family calendar so they wouldn't forget.

A/N: okay so sorry its kinda short I just thought of this idea last minute and sorry I just had to make it angst. Also TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY HEHE

Posted before editing: 11/10/22
Posted after editing: ????
Words before editing:550
Words after editing:

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