I'm not dead!!(not a chapter)

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Ok so first off that picture was taken by my friend while I was in my trip. (Btw I went to DC) I'm sorry. I should've started with that but I had to give my friend credit for the photo up top anyway I'm sorry that I haven't been posting I've been writing your requests I promise it's in my drafts rn. I usually write then on paper first then type it so I know what I have or smt like that. Yes this book is on hiatus but it won't be for long. I have 4 chapters ready to post but I would like to write 10 to make it up to all of you. I hope you can forgive me. I'll start writing the other 6 rn but all in all I'm very sorry for not writing as much and for putting this book on hold. This book will no longer be on hold starting April 18 so please be patient and if you would like to request something you can but just know I will be writing it and it won't come out until like the 19 or 20 of April. I WILL NOT BE WRITING OR TAKING REQUESTS APRIL 29-31!! PLEASE KEEP THAT IN MIND  but you may request stories after that and also the reasoning behind that is because I will be under a lot of stress that week. My school is having a play and I'm in it. Anyway just please don't request anything during those 4 days and don't expect me to have any chapters come out. Thank you and that is all. Have a wonderful day or night and this comes from your wonderful author

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Date posted before editing: 3/30/22
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