The bedtime story

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A/N: in this onshot Mirabel will be small it will be after the gift ceromomy everything is the sane meaning she doesnt get a gift. Camilo will be 10 years older in this au. Meaning he is 15 and mirabel is 5 and antonio isnt born yet. Okay onto the story.

Camilo POV: We all watched as Mirabel's door dissapeared. We watched as abuelas face turned into sadness and anger. We watched as Mirabel turned to all of us and stood there. We watched as the towns people all yelled at her telling her shes useless. I watched at abuela and everyone else did nothing. I ran to Mirabel and picked her up then ran us both into my room because well...she doesnt have one. I watched as she started crying. It broke my heart to see my favorite cousin like this. She then asked "Am I useless because I didnt get a gift?" I answered saying "of course not prima favorita." She smiled and hugged me. She then yawned and I chuckled and said "okay, let gets you to sleep now." I laid her down on my bed and sang her to sleep. After she was asleep I went to dolores to ask for extra blankets and pillows for me to sleep on the ground with. She nodded and gave me pillows and blankets she also thanked me for helping Mirabel. I said "ofc. It looked like she needed to get out of there anyway." She just nodded and told me to hurry to my room because abuela was headed there. I nodded and ran inside my room and locked it. Then I heard knocking and then I heard abuelas voice. I unlocked the door and went out to greet her. "Evening abuela, shouldnt you be asleep right now?" She answered saying "yes I should be asleep right now but shouldnt you also be asleep like Mirabel is?" All I did was nod my head. She smiled and then said "may I see Mirabel?" I answered back saying "No." She said "why not?" I answered saying "were you the one to help her? Did you even do anything to stop the townspeople? No? Because I didnt think so considering all you saw for her in that moment was anger and sadness." All she did was stare at me. I continued saying "if you dont really love her then leave right now." I said sternly. Then she turned around and went to her room. I stood there too shocked to move. I didnt think she would actually do that! I went back into the room and made a pallet on the floor and went to sleep.

Maribel's POV: I walked up towards the glowing door then abuela asked me "do you promise to help this family and this community with the gift you get?" I nodded and then touched the candle. I went up to the door and touched the door knob. It started to...dissapear? Was that supposed to happen in order to get my gift? I looked over to abuela and then to the candle. The candle dimmed and abuela was sad and angry. Then I realized that the door wasnt supposed to dissapear. Then the townspeople started yelling at me calling me useless. I couldnt cry because then the name calling would only get worse. So I stood there while no one did a thing about the townspeople. Then camilo ran to me and grabbed me then we ran to his room. He shut his door and set me on his bed. He then hugged me and thats when I broke down crying. He kept hugging me and he never let go. I then asked him "Am I useless because I didnt get a gift?" He answered saying "of course not prima favorita." I smiled knowing I was his favorite cousin. I then yawned suddenly feeling very tired. He chuckled and said "okay, lets get you to sleep now." He laid me down then he sang to me. I felt my eyelids getting heavy. Then I allowed the darkness to take over.

A/N: This may not have made sense but uh yeah I really hoped you like it. Its literally 2 in the morning and I have to wake up at 6 so i have 4 hours of sleep now. Btw i have school tomorrow so ill try to update after I get home. The next chapter may not be that long. Sorry we will have to see.

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