Am I going crazy...?(sneak peak)

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A/N: this is a request from someone who has decided to stay unknown I will possibly credit them later but idk yet. Anyway sorry its been so long since I've posted let this be a special post. I will try my best to post regularly but as of right now I put it on hold for a few months because I am working on other stories such as: demon slayer oneshots and stories, haikuu, and blue exorcist. Anyway enjoy!

Abuela POV: I decided I would surprise everyone by cooking a nice breakfast and taking them all out to a picnic instead of them having to do there chores. Eventually I decided that today was going to be a family day decided. After all we sure needed one after the house falling apart, mirabel yelling at me, and me being too controlling for everyone. Sigh the memories. Anyway I went ahead and cooked breakfast and got everyone up.

No ones POV: everyone was seated at the table. It was silent but a comfortable silence. Everyone was just enjoying their breakfast as well as their free time before they have to chores. Or so they think. Of course they didn't know because abeula planned it without telling anyone not even her own daughters. After everyone got done eating they started to leave to do there chores, well that was before abuela stopped them.

Mirabel POV: This was weird. Abuela seemed....nicer than usual. I don't know how else to put it. I mean yeah I get shes sorry after what happened but usually she's missing abuelo (who've I've never met). Its just feels wrong....?
Well whatever I should just enjoy it for now..

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