Chapter 2

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"Let's see here. NYU, UCLA, University of Florida, Duke, and Washington State," Paul held the acceptance letters. "I wonder what you'll choose."

Mavis playfully glared at him. She ripped the brochures out of his hands and stuffed them in her bag. "You're so nosy."

Paul wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling his head into the curve of her neck. "Have you talked to them?"

"What do you think?"

He raised his eyebrow at the tone of her voice, a lazy smile appearing on his face. "I'll take that as a no."

Mavis sighed, leaning back into his embrace. "Sorry." She hadn't meant to snap at him. "It's a ridiculous idea. They'll be upset that I want to give up college."

"It's not ridiculous," Paul argued. "It's what you want to do."

"It's not that easy."

He rolled his eyes, "it is. The Cullens love and support everything you do." Mavis wanted to argue but didn't have the chance. "They accepted me, a shapeshifter, into their lives. Telling them you don't want to go to college because you want to open a bakery isn't ridiculous. They'll probably be thrilled with the idea."

"Forks can barely keep the single bakery here standing. I could never complete that dream here. I would have to leave and start over somewhere else."

Paul freezes for a moment. He thought he had dodged a bullet when Mavis said she didn't want to go to college. He was thrilled, believing she would stay in Forks. However, it was clear that victory was short-lived. "Then go somewhere else."

Mavis spun around to face him, "you want me to leave?"

"Of course not," he responded. "But your dream is bigger than Forks. I want nothing more than for all your dreams to come true."

"Which is why it's just a stupid dream." She waved her hands, "can we talk about something else?"

Every time they had this conversation, Mavis would always stop them. She was a master at avoiding the topic when it became overwhelming. "Okay," Paul reluctantly agreed. "What do you want to talk about?"

The sun had set, and the full moon illuminated the sky. A grin appeared on her face. "I'm glad you're not the type of werewolf that loses control on the full moon."

Paul pinched the bridge of his nose, shaking his head. "I can't believe you just said that."

Mavis shrugs, "do you have patrol tonight?"

"Nope, I have the night off." He smirked, "and my dad's working late."

"Oh," she wrapped her arms around his neck. "So, I have you all to myself?" Paul pulled them down on the bed, and Mavis let out a breathy chuckle. "Very smooth."

He kissed her cheek, "it's what I'm known for."

Mavis giggled, "want to watch a movie later?"


"Well, obviously." Her hands moved to rest on his chest, "maybe I can get you to stay awake for Star Wars."

Paul groaned, letting his forehead fall against her shoulder. "Seriously?"

"Yes, I love those movies." He pulled away from her and laid down on the bed, his arms sprawled out. Mavis rolled her eyes at his dramatic antics. "You're so dramatic."

"I fall asleep for a reason."

Deciding to be a little brave, she lifted her leg in the air and placed it on the other side of him. Now that she was straddling his waist, she had his full attention. "Well, maybe this time you won't." Mavis leaned down, and he met her halfway. They shared an intense kiss, her hands roaming his exposed chest. For a brief moment, her mind relaxed, and she recalled the conversation with her mother from yesterday. "Paul," she pulled away from him. "Can I ask you something?"

The pout he had from her moving away vanished in an instant. Her expression seemed serious, "what is it?"

"Well," she played with her fingers nervously. "It's kind of stupid, and I wasn't sure if you would be interested because it doesn't seem like your thing. Plus, we don't even go to the same school. Which is why I never mentioned it sooner, but then I went out with my family and thought about it. Now, I kind of want to go-"

"Mave," he cut her off. Paul was beyond confused by her rambling. "You're rambling. What are you talking about?"

Her cheeks flushed in realization. "It's stupid, and you can say no."

"What is it?"

"Prom," Mavis whispered nervously. "My prom is approaching, and I was thinking about going." He stared at her, "and maybe wanted to know if you wanted to go. You know, with me?"

Paul sat up, a gentleness in his eyes. "Are you asking me to prom?"

She moved from his lap and onto the mattress. "I don't know. Are you saying yes?" Instead of responding, he places his lips against hers. It's the only confirmation she needs, and it's better than words. Mavis puts both her hands on his cheeks and ignores the world around her. 

The kiss didn't last long. Her phone began to ring. Sighing, she moved away from him and grabbed the device. "Who is it?"

She read the caller I.D. "Seth. It's probably about tomorrow."

That caught his attention. "What's tomorrow?"

"We're going to the beach." Mavis turned to look at him. "Remember?"

"Right." He eyed her phone, "why's he calling you?"

"Probably because we are friends." Mavis didn't think much of it, but Paul let out an annoyed puff of air. 


Mavis sat on the bed while the movie played on the laptop. There's a light rain outside, and the soft thud on the window is a reminder of that. Paul's eyes are closed as the movie plays. He's not asleep. Mavis knows that for a fact. However, it won't be long before he is.

She looks away from the screen to watch him. His lips parted and an almost angelic expression on his face. Paul was never a fan of the Star Wars movies and always fell asleep early on. Mavis was surprised when he stayed awake for the first one. Now, halfway through the second, he was falling asleep.

She raised her hand and gently combed her fingers through his hair, right above his ear. A smile appeared on his face. Then his eyes fluttered open. "I wasn't sleeping."

"I know," Mavis whispers. "Just resting your eyes." Paul chuckles, snuggling closer to her. He nudged his head into the dip of her neck, knocking the laptop aside. "Paul," she scolded him. "The movie." His eyes are already closed, and he mumbles something in response. Mavis huffs, shifting to get more comfortable. Paul's hot breath against her skin causes goosebumps to appear. However, his body temperature is overwhelming. "Paul." She tries to move away from him. "You're too warm."

"That wasn't what you were saying earlier."

She rolls her eyes, "shush." Mavis slides a few inches away from him.

Paul frowns, refusing to loosen his grip. "Stop moving." Mavis knows it's pointless and sits still. Although Paul's natural warmth can be too much, she finds it comforting in a sense. Mavis closes the laptop and sets it on the floor gently. Paul glances at the clock, realizing it's nearly midnight. Mavis turns back towards him. "What time do you have to be home?"

Jasper had become very strict with a midnight curfew. He would wait at the door and threaten to ground if she was even a minute late. "Midnight," Mavis said. "Why? Are you in a hurry for me to leave?"

"Just the opposite," he explains. "Wanted to see if I could convince you to stay."

Mavis grins, "my parents have date night on Fridays. I doubt they're even home." She can tell he's still exhausted by the way his eyes remain closed. "Tired?"

"Mhm," he mumbles. "But I sleep better when you're here."

Her cheeks darken at the comment, and her heart skips a few beats. "Well, I've never been a fan of driving in the rain." Mavis kisses his nose, "and luckily, I'm tired too." She rests against his chest, eyes fluttering closed. "Night."

Paul's eyes had opened and were locked on the window. The sky was full of stars, not a single cloud in the sky. It hadn't rained in days. "Yeah, night." His grip on her shoulders becomes a little bit tighter.

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