Chapter 35

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Everything was different now. Everything had changed. Home no longer felt like home. Alice knew it never would again. She had to know what had happened to Mavis. They needed answers.

Their daughter had left two days ago, and they were no closer to answers. Paul left. Leah and Seth followed closely behind. They tracked her scent for thirty miles before it vanished completely. It was as if she simply disappeared. They searched late into the night, but Jacob said they found nothing. Paul wasn't giving up. In fact, he was doing the opposite. Leah and Seth returned, but Paul didn't. He refused to return without her. 

Alice was thankful for that. She wanted Mavis home just as bad. It wasn't fair for Paul to search alone, which was why she was planning to help. Jasper was waiting downstairs as they prepared to search for Mavis. Alice knew going behind Carlisle's back wasn't going to be easy, but it's what they had to do. 

She stood in her daughter's room, eyes searching over every inch. That's when she noticed something on the floor. It was sticking out from under her bed. It was a book. Alice assumed it fell on the floor during the chaos.

She kneeled on the ground and picked up the book. Opening the book, she began to skim the pages. Instantly, her eyebrows furrowed. The book was not a book but a journal about Banshees. It looked like research. Alice was confused. She didn't understand why Mavis had this book. She was even more confused seeing added pages written by Mavis. It was all the same. Two words. Claus Everton. It was written hundreds of times. 

Suddenly, a vision entered her mind.

A dark tunnel that was cold and damp. It was hard to navigate—blonde hair fluttering in the wind and the hand of an older man grabbing a door handle. There was the sound of drilling. It was loud. "My friends," it was Mavis. "Are they going to die because of me?" Broken glass on a tile floor. Blood trailing down a hallway. "They were never going to die, were they?"

A scream. A loud scream echoed off the walls.

"Someone's coming." There was blood dripping from a hole in her head.

"They'll never make it in time." It was a male voice.

"I know." Her body fell backward, hair covering a metal table. A heart monitor flatlined.

Alice gasped, dropping the book. She had seen the same vision as before, but this time things were different. Everything around her was spinning. They had it wrong. Mavis hadn't seen the deaths of her friends. It was an illusion.

"No." It was a trap. Alice held the papers in her hand and ran down the stairs. "Jasper!" He wasn't there. She ran into the backyard. "Jasper!"

In seconds, he was by her side. "What is it?" Alice held the papers in her hands but was overwhelmed by the vision. The words kept getting stuck in her throat. "Alice, what did you see?" 

"Alice?" It was Bella. She and Edward joined her outside. "What's going on?" The four were standing by the forest.

"She was wrong," Alice cried out. "It was a trap. She didn't see anyone's deaths. She didn't cause them." Edward took the papers from her hand. "It was her. It was her all along."

On the patio, the rest of the Cullens stood. "Alice, slow down," Esme said. "Explain." Edward glanced at Bella. She nodded at him. They were thinking the same thing. He then ran inside to research the name, see if it led to anything.

"My vision. It's happening, but it's clearer now. Mavis predicted wrong, or she was confused." They were all staring at her. "It was her."

None of them understood what she was saying. "What do you mean?"

Alice was growing frustrated. "It's her! Don't you get it?" Emmett stepped forward, but Rosalie put a hand out to stop him. "She's the one who's going to die!"

"Are you sure?" 

Alice was sure. "We have to find her."

"Alice," Carlisle said. "I thought I told you to let this go. If Mavis wants to leave to protect her friends, then that's her choice. We have to respect that." He wasn't changing his mind. "We need to drop this subject."

"But that's the problem," she yelled. "They aren't in danger!"

They weren't listening. Edward raced towards them. "This," he held up the paper. "Is a name. Dr. Claus Everton. He's a doctor at Bridgeport Psychiatric Institute. It's in Olympia." That was three hours away.

"That's where she is." Alice had to get to her.

"Alice." Carlisle stopped her from leaving. "Mavis left on her own. This is what she wanted. We can not go after her."

Alice stared at him, a shocked look on her face. "She is dying."

"You think," Esme cut in. "She could be fine."

Alice knew better than that. What she saw was happening. Mavis was going to die tonight if they didn't save her. "Mavis is going to die tonight if we don't help her." Carlisle didn't respond. "I know what I saw."

"Alice," Rosalie whispered. "What if you're wrong?"

"What if I'm not?"

Bella bit her lip. She was starting to regret helping Mavis leave. At the time, she thought she was doing the right thing. "Okay," Bella said. "Tell us what you saw."

They all stared at her. "She was with a man. He was killing her. There was a hole in her head-"

"Alice, enough," Carlisle shouted. "Mavis is gone. You must drop this subject at once." Mavis wanted to leave. This was her choice. They needed to respect that. 

"No!" The outburst took them all by surprise. "I will not sit by while my daughter is suffering!" Everyone stared at her, a look of shock on all their faces. "I have abandoned her time after time because you thought it was the right thing to do. It was never the right thing! You were wrong every time."

Alice glared at Carlisle. She had made up her mind. If they wouldn't help her, she would do it alone. "Alice, don't-" it was too late. Alice raced into the trees. The dark-haired girl was followed closely by Jasper. 

Bella glanced at Edward. He knew what she was thinking. Bella felt guilty. She helped Mavis leave, and it turned out it was a trap. She had to help. "Bella-" but she was already on the move. Edward followed after her into the woods. They were going to help. None of them cared what Carlisle thought. If Alice was correct, then Mavis was going to die tonight. They wouldn't let that happen.

The rest of the Cullens stood on the patio, unsure of what to do next. Emmett made the first move. He walked towards the garage. "Emmett," Rosalie called. "Where are you going?"

"To find Mavis," he responded. "She's a part of this family, and I'm not letting her die tonight."

"Emmett." Rosalie tried to stop him.

"Alice is right." He continued to walk away from them. They followed after him. "We've been wrong time and time again. I don't care if this is what Mavis wants."

He grabbed a set of car keys and unlocked a car. Emmett assumed they would need a car once he got to the location. Carlisle looked at the others. "Wait here. I'll go with Emmett."

"Carlisle." Esme reached out for him.

"It's fine," he assured her. "We'll be back soon." Esme nodded. Carlisle raced into the garage, getting into the car with Emmett. Rosalie stared out the window as the two drove off into the night.

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