Chapter 13

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Mavis sat on the back steps, her eyes on the trees in front of her. Everyone was scattered throughout the woods. "I don't know, Alice," Edward muttered to the woman. "This smells different." She glanced at the two as they spoke.

The wolves had joined the search. It was against Mavis's wishes. She did not want to involve them in her issues. "Nothing," Jacob walked towards Edward. "Sam had the others track twenty miles in each direction. There's nothing." Mavis listened closely. "We can't find a scent. It's as if the person entered the room but never left."

"How is that possible," Alice questions.

"I don't know," Jacob responds. "I can have Sam push further, but I don't think we're going to find anything." Mavis felt guilty for wasting their time.

"Thank you, Jacob," Edward says. "You've been a great help." Alice glances at her daughter. She wanted to see her future, but there was nothing. It was blank. Typically, seeing Mavis in a vision was rare. Visions of her would happen randomly and without warning. The last one was not good, and nothing had happened since. "We'll find answers, Alice. We will." Alice doesn't believe him.

A sense of dread washes over Mavis, and her body stiffens. It was often a feeling that she felt when something bad was about to happen. However, this time, she was eager to feel whatever it was."Sophie," a voice whispered. "Come to me, Sophie."

Mavis tried to let in the voices, but a new thought enters her mind. The words let in ring in her ears. Claus had said something about not letting Melissa in. At first, she didn't understand, but she did now. He wasn't talking about letting her into her home. Claus was talking about letting Melissa into her head. He didn't want her to let her in.

"Let her in," Mavis spoke. "I have to let her in." Mavis had to let the woman inside her head in order to find her. 

She looks up as Jasper walks through the treeline. He appears angry, but his face relaxes slightly as he locks eyes with his daughter. "Hey," he greets her. "You okay?"

"Fine," she shrugs. "I didn't want there to be a big fuss. It isn't a big deal-"

"Hey," he kneels in front of her. "It is. Someone was in this house. We don't know what that means, but we will figure it out." Mavis nods, "why don't you get some rest? It's late."

"Okay." She doesn't argue with him and stands up. Silently, she walks into the house. The feeling of dread lingers over her like a shadow. She can feel someone. It was as if they were hanging onto her. They are weighing her down in a sense.

Inside her head, she is trying to figure out how to let the woman inside. Claus had warned her not to, but it seemed to be the only way she could figure out what was going on. Claus didn't have any answers, and Mavis still felt as if she was losing her mind. Maybe this woman had answers. Maybe she was the key.

Mavis stopped walking and stood in the hallway as she stared at the pictures on the wall. The memories from each entered her mind. When she was four, she went to Canada. That was where she met Jasper for the first time. Mavis didn't remember that, but they had pictures. They lived together in Louisiana for a while.

There was a picture of their home. It was beautiful. All of the photos were of her. They varied in location. Mavis had seen so much of the world. More than most. It was a privilege.

However, the images of her life felt strange. Mavis had lived her entire life believing her biological family was dead. Right now, she wasn't sure that was the case. There was a chance her biological mother was alive. It shouldn't have mattered. Alice and Jasper were her real family. They meant the world to her.

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