Chapter 16

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Mavis had lost count of the days. She was starving, she was scared, and she was alone. The woman, Melissa, was insane. She was losing her mind. Often talking to others, but there was never anyone there.

Mavis longed to see her family again but began to doubt anything like that would ever happen. Melissa often referred to herself as a Clíodhna. She recognized it from her readings. Clíodhna is the queen of the Banshees, even referred to as a goddess. Mavis knew that Melissa referring to herself as a goddess was not a good sign. It meant she was mentally too far gone to reason with.

Her head rested on the wall. She felt dirty and disgusting. Mavis wanted to go home. She wanted to see her family one last time. She thought they would have found her by now. Day by day went on, and the only thing that kept Mavis going was the belief her family would find her.

They never did.

"Tonight is the night," Melissa walked into the room. Mavis realized she was being kept in some old medical facility, but the location was still unknown. "The full moon. That's when I will be able to complete the ritual."

Mavis glared at her, "let me go."

Melissa chuckled, setting down the bowl. "You don't understand-"

"I do," she commented. "I understand you kidnapped me. I didn't do anything-"

"Didn't do anything?" Melissa screamed, "you took away my power!" Mavis remained silent. "It was supposed to be me! I was supposed to be the chosen one." Melissa slammed her fist on the table. "But it chose you instead. You took away everything." She turned to look at her. "Tonight, you're going to give it back." She walked towards the cage door. "You don't deserve it. You're weak and foolish. You have no idea what you're capable of." Mavis cowered in the corner. "I would never have had you if I had known you would be chosen. You were never supposed to take what was rightfully mine."

Tears filled her eyes, "please. Don't do this."

Melissa ignores her cries. It had been like that since the start. "You took what was mine. It's only fair I take it back, and tonight I will."

As she walked out the door, Mavis pulled out the knife from behind her back. Melissa had made the mistake of leaving the blade on the table days prior. Mavis had used her bra to retrieve it. It was a miracle the plan worked. She had been holding onto the knife for days, trying to figure out when to use it. That time was now. Whatever Melissa was planning on doing to her would happen tonight.

Mavis had to get out of here. There was no telling when Melissa would be back. The young girl quickly moved to the door. Stretching her arm, she begins to pick the lock. Her heart is racing with adrenaline. This was her only chance. Mavis had to get away before it was too late.

The door clicks and opens. For a moment, she stands there in a state of shock. The door hadn't been unlocked or open once since she arrived. There was no telling how long ago that was.

Mavis quickly comes to her sense and rushes out the open door. She can hear Melissa outside the other door. It was the only other door in the room. The panic returns, and Mavis frantically searches for a way out. There's a small window above the desk. If she tried, she could get through.

She darts across the room, jumping onto a table. The window is locked, but Mavis moves quickly. Using her bare elbow, she slams it into the wood. Glass slices open the skin on her arm, but the adrenaline pumping through her makes it bearable.

Behind her, the door slams open. It's Melissa. Mavis crawls through the window, not bothering to clear any of the glass. Whatever injuries she has are shoved to the side. All she can think about is escaping. "No," Melissa screams as she attempts to grab her. "No!"

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