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Ten Years Later

Life was full of wonders. It was full of mystery and secrets. It was full of love and happiness. Nobody knew that better than Mavis. She lived a life full of adventure and wonder, which continued into adulthood. Her life with vampires may have ended, but the story didn't. She lived wonderfully and without fear.

The wonder didn't end when she left her old life. At the time, she had no idea the real adventure would begin. She realized how beautiful life was and how much she had missed out on.

It was hard at first. Then one day, it wasn't. One day, the memories of her family no longer made her cry but smile. They no longer pained her to think about. The memories became stories she would tell her children about at night. To them, they were magical tales about a mythical princess falling in love with a handsome knight.

Mavis hadn't seen her family since the day she left. They helped them get started and wanted Mavis to continue to use their money. But she didn't want that. Two years after they left, Mavis cut off their funding. She wanted to make it on her own. It was also the last connection she had to them. Without it, she was gone.

That didn't upset her, not anymore. Leaving was the right choice. She would never have been happy as a vampire. This was the life she wanted.

Paul spoke to his friends on occasion, but it was limited. Jacob was connected to the Cullens, which meant Mavis couldn't have anything to do with him. She did see Leah and Seth often. Leah moved nearby with her Imprint, who she finally found after leaving Forks for good. Mavis and Leah remained best friends. Seth visits Mavis every time he sees Leah. He Imprinted as well.

Mavis knew Paul missed his former shape-shifting friends. He stopped phasing when they moved to Montana. He never shifted again. He didn't want to. Paul was happy to leave that part of his life in the past.

Mavis opened a bakery in town. It was the most popular bakery in the county. Paul had an automotive repair shop. It was perfect. Everything worked out for them, as she knew it would.

Today was a warm day in their town. It was refreshing. Mavis stood on the sidewalk, a content smile on her face as she enjoyed the spring weather. Her eyes find Paul as he carries a bag full of baseball equipment. He's standing a few feet away from her.

Baseball season had just started, and Miles loved it. He played on a team created by the town for his age. Miles was like Paul in many ways. He loved running around outside in the dirt and getting messy. He looked like Paul as well, but he had Mavis's blue eyes. Luckily, he didn't get Paul's anger. That was his biggest fear.

Miles won his very first baseball game. It was a big deal. They wanted to celebrate by going out to dinner. They knew Miles would be excited because he would get to pick where they went. He would pick Mcdonald's. That was his favorite place because he loved the toys.

As they waited at the park for Miles, Mavis got Emilia ice cream. The young girl got impatient easily. Baseball games bored her. Ice cream sounded like a good idea at the time, but Emilia was a messy eater. She always spilled food all over herself. Mavis glances at the girl sitting on the bench. There is ice cream dripping down her chin. "Emilia." Mavis kneeled on the floor. "You're making a mess."

The five-year-old grinned. "Sorry, mama."

"I'm sure you are." Mavis grabbed a napkin and began wiping the ice cream off her face. "Is it good?"

"The best," she said. "I love ice cream."

Mavis chuckles, "I know." Paul glanced at the two of them. A smile on his face. They look happy, and that makes him happy.

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