Chapter 7

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It was hard to be focused on the world around her when the only thing Mavis wanted was her family back. She hadn't spoken to them in three days. Alice and Jasper called her constantly, but Mavis had no idea what to say. The guilt she felt was almost unbearable. It wasn't her intention to frighten her family. Her emotions were better kept tucked away and buried inside of her. It was better that way, and safer.

It was a nice day in Washington. Mavis had been invited out with the pack for ice cream. Kim was there as well, but not Emily. She never left the Rez.

Mavis had been thinking a lot about her future. Emily had made a comment about Paul following her anywhere she went. She wanted her to be right. Soon, high school would be over, and Mavis would go her own way. The only problem was, Paul was a big part of her life. Of course, she wanted to stay with her family, but she couldn't do that forever. The Denali's were smart. They lived off the grid. It allowed them to stay in one place for a long time. 

When she thought about what she wanted for her life, that idea included Paul. Mavis knew she wanted to open a bakery and stay in one place. If she stayed with the Cullens, that wouldn't be an option. But settling down with Paul would allow her that. It felt selfish to walk away from her family, but a life on the move had already taken so much away from her. She had to start thinking about what she wanted. 

They stood on the sidewalk. The group was divided into several different conversations. Paul laughed at something Jared said. The two elbowing each other. Paul found himself glancing to his left, his eyes searching for his girlfriend. She's standing beside him, a distant look in her eyes. It's something he'd seen a lot of the last few days.

Paul steps away from Jared and places a hand on her back. "Hey." He raises his right hand and wipes the single tear on her cheek. "You okay?"

Mavis glances at him, a smile appearing on her face. "Fine, sorry."

Paul kissed her cheek, his nose rubbing against her skin. She enjoyed the moment. "Don't be."

She hummed, trying to focus on any of the conversations being held around her. It was an impossible task but easy to fake. Paul rejoined his previous conversation with ease. Mavis kept a false smile plastered on her face. Her eyes roamed the town around them. All seemed normal for a moment.

How quickly life can change will always be an unsettling part of living. One minute, Mavis is standing beside her boyfriend. The next, her eyes are fixed on someone—a woman with blue eyes and black curly hair. A woman Mavis had seen before. It happened months ago, on the road with Paul. The woman's car passed hers, and they locked eyes. From there, a memory resurfaced. The two of them were running, hiding from something.

"Paul," her voice is muted. "Paul." He doesn't hear her, too lost in his conversation. The woman turns around, walking in the other direction. "Wait." Mavis finds herself chasing after the woman. She brushes past people on the street, the heels of her boots clicking against the sidewalk. "Wait," she calls again. The woman glances back as if to make sure she is following.

"Hold on, dear. I won't let them tear us apart." The familiar words echo inside her mind. "My beautiful, Sophie. Nobody will ever love you as I do." Mavis's steps falter for a moment.

"Wait," her voice is louder. "Stop." The woman keeps walking, her black hair bouncing with each step. Mavis finds herself moving faster. All rational thought vanishes. This woman is like a beacon of unanswered questions, and Mavis is desperate to know more. She needs to know more.

"Whatever you say," Embry rolls his eyes. "I don't believe it."

"It's true," Seth shrugs. "Mavis was there. Tell him."

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