Chapter 4

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Mavis set the pan on the counter. It only took seconds for Jacob to arrive and collect his share of cookies. "Hey," she swatted his hand away. "You're killing me."

"Sorry," he mumbled with a mouth full of food. "They're so good."

"You ate my entire batch yesterday," she glared at him. "I left the room for two minutes and poof. No more cookies." He shrugged, walking out of the room. All she could do was shake her head. Tonight was going to be a relaxing night. There was going to be a bonfire. The cold weather had returned, and it was a perfect night. The boys were going to hang out while Emily and Mavis bonded, as they always did. Emily was making dinner, but Mavis decided to bring cookies. Paul loved when she baked cookies, as did the rest of them.

"Mavis," Jasper and Alice walked into the room.

"Hey," she set the cookies on a plate. "I would offer you some, but I know you can't eat them." They didn't smile at her joke. "Is something wrong?"

"Your curfew is ten tonight-"

"What," she questioned. "Why?"

Jasper crossed his arms, but Alice responded. "As punishment for ignoring it the other day." Mavis sighed, setting the plate down. "I think it's reasonable." Jasper didn't seem to agree. He didn't want Mavis going out at all after breaking the rules. "Ten o'clock curfew for the next week."

"Fine. It's only fair."

"And no cell phone," Jasper randomly added.

"Okay," Mavis smirked. "But if I get kidnapped, then I can't contact you."

He thought for a moment, "then no computer."

"I need the computer for school."

Alice watched the two of them with a smile. "Then no car."

"You really want me walking to and from La Push?"

"Alice," Jasper turned towards her. He gestured for her to help him, but she didn't. Alice didn't want to punish Mavis in the first place. "Fine. Curfew is enough."

Mavis smiled at her small victory and grabbed her plate of cookies. "I'll be back before ten. I promise."

"We know," Alice winked. "I've already seen it." She tapped the side of her head.

Mavis chuckled at her joke. "I'll see you later. Love you."

"Love you too," they called back as she walked away.


Nights at the Rez were always Mavis's favorite. Emily was her closest friend outside her family, and the pack had become like a second family. Kim was there as well. It was hard for Mavis to get to know her when she was glued to Jared's side. Emily knew her better, but still, neither were overly close with her. Since meeting her, Kim had always kept a slight distance. As if she was somewhat afraid of her.

Mavis glanced at Paul, a gentle smile on her face seeing him laughing with his friends. It was as if he could sense her eyes and looked over. Catching her gaze, he winked. Mavis blushed, looking away and back at Emily. "Sam told me that Paul asked you to prom."

"Technically, I asked him."

Emily chuckled at the confession, "did you get your dress?"

"I did." Mavis pulled out her phone and began showing her the pictures that Rosalie had taken.

"Wow," Emily said as she took the phone from her hand. "That's beautiful. It fits you perfectly."

"Thank you-"

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