Chapter 11

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It wasn't often that Mavis felt entirely alone, but she did now. Usually, she had someone on her side, but right now, everyone was looking at her differently. As if she was made of glass and would break at any moment.

The Cullens had gotten used to normalcy in the last few months. That was all changing again, and it was because of her. It was her fault. It was always her fault.

They were doing anything they could to find answers, but the results varied. There wasn't much anywhere about Banshee's, and nothing ever related to her. Mavis wasn't like the Banshees in the myths. Her abilities were different. If anything, it raised more questions.

Mavis sat on the couch as the others came and went. Often grabbing different books to read about her. They hadn't found anything new or anything that could help them. That was a reoccurring pattern with all of them. There were no answers.

She felt like she was losing her mind. Alice believed her, but it was clear the others didn't. They thought she was crazy. That there was something wrong with her. Mavis began to fear they were right. She was starting to feel crazy. She had never felt more alone, more on edge to hide what was going on inside her mind.

Carlisle and Esme had left, as they said they would. They were headed to Ireland to find more answers. Before he left, Mavis overheard Carlisle mentioning the book in his study. The one she had found. The author didn't exist. There was no record of him anywhere. That shouldn't be possible, but it was. They searched everywhere but had zero results.

As Emmett and Rosalie walked out of the living room, Mavis noticed that Emmett had left something behind. It was the book written by Dr. Lucas Treveon. They had all read it other than her. For some reason, they didn't want her to see what was inside the book.

Mavis moved quickly, grabbing the book and slipping into Carlisle's study. The book was handwritten, as she had seen before. However, it was all jumbled—nothing inside made sense. There were pointless diagrams and run-on sentences. It almost looked like a research journal. The name replayed in her mind, Lucas Treveon. It was an off name, but there was something about it.

She read a few of the pages carefully, slowly processing the words. He was researching Banshees. It appeared he had been talking to them, interviewing them. He knew other living Banshees—people like Mavis.

Flipping through the pages, she noticed something hidden in the corners. They were letters. Different letters. Some were in blue and others red. The blue letters were C A U L S, and the red were T V E R E N O. They spelled out his name, but it wasn't in order. Mavis found that odd. Why spell out your name in the wrong order?

Mavis looked through the pages again, and it suddenly clicked in her mind. It was an anagram. His name wasn't Lucas Treveon. It was rearranged to appear that way.

She quickly grabbed a piece of paper and sorted the letters into a first and last name. She moved quickly. There had to be a reason the author hid his name from the world. It wasn't hard to figure out that it was an anagram. Mavis was amazed the others hadn't seen what she did.

It took her less than a minute. The man's real name was Dr. Claus Everton. Pushing up from the chair, she dashed towards the computer. For some reason, Mavis felt the need to protect his identity. There was something about his writings that made her feel connected to him. Dr. Claus Everton was researching Banshees. Mavis was a Banshee. She wanted to talk to him. See what he knew without the others knowing.

Beside's, it wasn't as if her family would believe her. She knew they would tell her she was crazy for seeing patterns that weren't there. She didn't want to feed into their worries. It was better she searched for him on her own.

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