Chapter 28

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Mavis was standing in a graveyard. She had been feeling this way for a while, but now she was actually standing in a Graveyard. "Hello?" She screams into the darkness. There is nothing but tombstones and trees. "Hello!" There were no voices inside her head.

This is a dream.

It has to be. Mavis sometimes had dreams that felt so real it was hard to tell what was real and what wasn't. The line between reality and uncertainty was thin. The biggest sign was that her mind had found a twisted sense of peace. Without the extra noises, it was peaceful. She knew that wasn't good.

Mavis spun around, fully ready to shout again when her eyes caught sight of a little girl. The girl noticed she had been spotted and took off in a run into the darkness. "Hey, wait!" Mavis began chasing after her. She was wearing clothes that didn't belong to her, but that didn't matter right now. She had to get to the little girl and figure out what was happening. It still wasn't clear if this was a dream or not. If it wasn't, then she needed to find a way to get back home.

Turning the corner, she came to a sudden stop. The scene in front of her was horrifying. Mavis felt a chill go down her spine. Sprawled out between the trees were dozens of dead bodies. They were too far away to make out, but they were dead. Torn apart and covered in blood. The blood was splattered on the trees, grass, and cobwebs. There was the faint smell of chemicals, which confused her. She was standing outside. Why did she smell chemicals?

Mavis gasped, stumbling away from the scene. But she couldn't escape it. A few feet in front of her was the little girl. Her eyes were wide with fear. "Who did this to them?" Mavis had to know.

The little girl stepped out of the shadows. She resembled Renesmee, but looked more human. "You did."

"What?" Mavis looked down at her hands to see that they were covered in blood. Her clothes were also covered in blood. She could taste it in her mouth.

"Don't worry," a voice spoke from behind her. Mavis spun around to see who was talking. There was a person behind her in a robe, a Volturi robe. It covered their clothes and hid their face, but their long blonde hair was visible. "They didn't feel a thing." The person looked up. Mavis's lips parted at the sight. The person in the robe was her. Except she had vibrant red eyes. "And neither will you." And then she lunged at her.

Mavis woke up crying and panting. She struggled out of her bed and hit the ground hard. Kicking her legs in an attempt to get away from the bed, she accidentally took down her shelf. Glass figurines shattered against the floor. As she crawled away, her right palm was split open by the glass.

"Mavis," Alice burst into the room. "What happened?"

She tried to help her daughter stand, but she flailed her arms around. "Don't!" Alice jumped in surprise. Mavis scrambled to her feet and rushed out the door. Other members of her family were there. They were asking her questions. They could smell the blood and see the disaster that was now her room. Mavis couldn't hear any of them. The voices in her head were louder than ever. They were screaming at her. Warning her that something terrible was about to happen. Mavis tried to get past them, but that wasn't easy. They all wanted to help her. "I can't." There were too many voices. It had never been so loud inside her mind before.

The world around her was spinning, but she was moving slowly.

She managed to slip past Emmett. Mavis nearly fell down the stairs trying to get down them. She opened the back door and ran towards the woods. As she did, she left a trail of blood. The blood didn't bother her. The injury barely hurt. The pressure in her skull was paralyzing. She thought it would split open.

"Mavis!" They didn't know what was happening. "What's going on?"

Everything was so loud. She could barely hear the others around her. "We want to help."

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