Chapter 9

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Mavis stared at herself in the mirror. She didn't recognize herself. The person staring back at her wasn't her. Rosalie had done her makeup, and Alice had done her hair. She looked beautiful, but still, Mavis was struggling.

Everything felt strange. She felt as if she was slowly losing herself. Reality became questionable, and that terrified her. Mavis couldn't understand what was going on with her abilities anymore. It seemed that every day something happened. She would hear someone or see something that wasn't there.

Mavis felt as if she was in a horror movie. But it was only the start of the film. The fear at the beginning someone feels because they know something big is coming. That was how Mavis felt. Something was coming, something big. That terrified her.

That fear made it hard to stay in the moment. Prom sounded nice a few days prior, but not right now. She feared prom. She feared something happening.

"You are so beautiful," Rosalie touched her cheek.

"With and without the makeup," Alice added.

Mavis forced a smile, unable to look at herself in the mirror anymore. "Thanks."

Alice stared at her in the mirror. She was confused about her attitude. The entire time they helped her get ready, Mavis was entirely silent. As if her mind was a million miles away. "Something wrong?"

"No," she shook her head. "I'm fine."

Alice wanted to question her, but there was a knock on the door. "Paul's here," Emmett smirked. "Wow, you look great."

Mavis smiled at him. "Thanks, Emmy." He hated the nickname. "I'll be down in a second. Let me put my dress on."

He gave her a thumbs up. "I would hurry. He's with Jasper and Carlisle."

"Uh oh," Alice chuckled. "I'll go save him."

"I'll help her." Emmett and Alice left, leaving Rosalie with Mavis. Mavis sat in her chair as the other blonde ventured into the closet. "I love this dress. I can't wait to see it on you again."

Mavis stood up from her chair and turned around. "Yeah."

Rosalie sighed, "what's going on with you?"


"Tonight is a big night for you, and you're moping around."

Mavis rolled her eyes, "I'm not moping." But she was. Rosalie was right. This was her first and last prom. It was a big deal, and she couldn't worry about the what-ifs. "You're right. I'm sorry. Hand me the dress."

Rosalie handed her the dress with a smirk. Mavis slipped off her robe and stepped into the dress. It was light and simple, the type of dress she liked. Rosalie watched her with a hand over her mouth. "Wow. You look so beautiful." Mavis sat down in the chair and put on her heels. "And so grown."

That caused her to laugh. "That does tend to happen to people who aren't immortal."

Rosalie waved her hand. "Let me take a picture before we get down there." Mavis never had the chance to argue. She pulled out her digital camera and began snapping pictures.

Mavis gave her a thumbs up. "Okay, you got your pictures. I need to go save Paul from my dad now." She didn't give Rosalie a chance to argue. Instead, Mavis walked out of the room. Heels weren't something she commonly wore, and they took a moment to get used to.

After finding her footing, she walked down the stairs. Mavis felt her nerves start to get the better of her. She started to fear that her dress wasn't enough. That Paul wouldn't think she looked beautiful. There wasn't any time to back out. She was already down the stairs.

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