Chapter 18

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Five days, twenty-five stitches, and two reconstructive surgeries. Mavis had remained asleep the entire time. Not once did she open her eyes or speak a word to her family. To help with the pain, they gave her medication. The medication made her sleepy and was the reason she remained asleep.

Alice stood by the door, watching the girl sleep. She could watch her forever if she had the chance. "Once she heals," she spoke to Jasper. "I am never letting her out of my sight again."

"Agreed," Jasper commented.

"Alice, Jasper," Carlisle said. "Can I speak with you a moment?"

"Of course," Alice looked at Paul. He was the only other person in the room. "Paul, are you okay if we step out?"

"Yeah," he looked up from the book he was reading. "I'm fine." They nodded and left to see what Carlisle needed. "Okay," he focused back on the book. "Where were we?" He skimmed over the page. "Right," he was reading her favorite book. He believed that it would help. Paul began reading from the book called Little Women.

It was something he had been doing for hours. His words were quiet, careful not to overwhelm her. Carlisle had been very clear in his instructions about communication.

Mavis had awoken nearly twenty minutes prior but wasn't fully committed to opening her eyes. It would take energy she didn't have yet. So, she stayed still, listening to Paul as he read from her favorite book. It was slowly giving her strength.

Mavis was alive.

But Mavis was alive because she saved herself. Not because anyone rescued her. She got out of the burning building on her own. She overpowered Melissa and escaped without the help of others.

Although Mavis was alive, she was far from okay. She was broken inside. She was damaged. When she overpowered Melissa and accidentally killed her, she had seen something. Something so horrible that the mere thought of it made her shut down.

It had been five days since the incident. The surgeries kept her sleeping, but she didn't mind. Right now, being asleep was far easier. It allowed her to forget her reality.

Because reality sucked.

There was a cast on her ankle that would remain for weeks. Her body was sore, covered in bruises. The memories replayed in her mind on a loop. Being held hostage by Melissa, forced to eat scraps and lay on the ground. She was held against her will by her biological mother, who then attempted to kill her.

The worst part was that she didn't. Mavis had overpowered her and unintentionally killed her. Mavis was a killer now. She was a murderer. Sure, it was accidental, but she took someone's life.

It was clear now to the Cullens that Mavis was never crazy. The woman was real, and she had taken Mavis from them. They weren't entirely sure what happened, considering Mavis hadn't woken up yet.

Mavis didn't think she would ever feel better, not after this. Life was forever tainted now. Whoever she was before would never return, and that wasn't okay with her.

Mavis had felt alone before, but this was entirely different. Nobody could understand what she was going through. Nobody could help her. She was alone, and she would always be alone. This incident only clarified that for her.

"Heartless," Mavis said.

Paul stopped reading immediately, his head snapping to look at her. He thought he imagined her speaking. "Mavis?"

Her eyes fluttered open, but the world around her was blurry. "Heartless," she repeated.

He set the book down and stood up. Gently, he placed a hand on her cheek. "What did you say?"

"You're heartless," she stared at him. "Who doesn't cry when Beth dies?"

Paul couldn't help but laugh, his eyes burning with tears. "I'm so happy you're okay." Mavis couldn't find it in her to smile back. She was far from okay, but she was alive. That was enough, for now. "Are you in pain? Do you need anything? Should I get Carlisle?"

It took her a moment to process his words. "Probably."

"Right," Paul pulled away from her and ran towards the door. "Hey, she's awake!"

Faster than lighting, Jasper and Alice were in the room. "Mavis," Alice spoke. "Hi, darling. Are you okay? How do you feel?" Darling, that's what Melissa called her.

"Do you need anything?" They were asking the same questions as Paul.

"Water," Mavis's throat was incredibly dry.

Carlisle walked into the room. "Here." He had what she needed. Mavis was grateful for that. She took the cup and began drinking the water. It felt refreshing and hydrating. "Mavis, I'll need to ask you a few questions. Is that okay with you?"

She looked at him with fearful eyes, not ready to talk. "Can we do this later," Jasper became protective.

"Of course," Carlisle said. He didn't want to pressure Mavis into anything. "Whenever you're ready." But Mavis wasn't sure she would ever be ready to talk about what happened to her.


Mavis didn't stay awake very long. The pain medication made her tired, and she was asleep within the hour. Paul refused to leave after that, and the Cullens didn't make him. He slept on the side of her hospital bed. His hand held hers tightly as if he was afraid she would disappear again.

Ever since the incident, Alice thought she would feel some relief, but she didn't. If anything, she had more questions. At the start of the year, after everything with the Volturi, she had a vision. The vision included Mavis's death. The vision was clear, and Alice initially believed what happened five days ago was linked. Now, she began to doubt that.

There was no tunnel. No wind. No man. No broken glass on a tile floor or blood trailing down a hallway. Paul wasn't there holding her hand as she was hooked up to a machine. And there was no hole in her head. Her vision was entirely different.

That scared Alice because it meant it hadn't happened yet. Something else was coming for Mavis, something much worse that would kill her. "Alice," Rosalie placed a hand on her shoulder. "Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Alice turned towards her, a frightened expression on her face. "Alice?"

"The vision I had of Mavis," Alice began. "It hasn't happened yet."

Rosalie dropped her hand. "What do you mean?" She didn't understand. "It had to-"

"No," she cut her off. "It hasn't."

"No," Rosalie couldn't accept that. "No, you're wrong. Maybe the vision was wrong? Maybe it changed?"

Alice looked back into the room. "No." Mavis was asleep. She looked peaceful, almost angelic. "It's not wrong."

"What does that mean?"

"It means," Alice said. "This is only the beginning."

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