Chapter 40

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December 18, 2008

One year ago, Mavis was sitting in Jacob's house celebrating her birthday alone. Now everything had changed. Her life was different. She had been through a lot but made it out alive. The darker parts of her were gone, and she was grateful for that.

Life went on like normal for a while. Mavis started to live life as a normal, boring teenage girl. She was eighteen now, but inside she felt older. The Cullens would avoid the topic of her leaving altogether. They were entirely all right with leaving Forks, but Mavis decided it was her who should go. Starting over somewhere else would be easiest. The memories would only remind her of what she had lost.

The only person who seemed excited was Paul. He had it all planned out. Of course, he didn't tell her anything. Mavis didn't care where they went. All she wanted was a good life. Paul promised her that, and that was enough for her.

The Cullens wouldn't let her go empty-handed. They set her banking up, promising she would have everything she needed. Of course, Mavis couldn't sit around forever. It was just enough to get her started. She would open her bakery. The idea excited her. It would be a lot of work, but Mavis knew she could do it.

They were leaving today, starting over somewhere far away. That was okay with her. It was, but it didn't make it easier. The Cullens were her family. She loved them dearly.

None of them could be a part of her life anymore. Not even Renesmee. It wasn't going to be easy, not at first. But it was the right choice. Mavis wanted to be happy, and Alice was right. If she was a vampire, she would never be entirely happy.

"Are you sure you don't want to bring the rest?" The question came from Leah. "There's room in the truck."

Mavis turned to look at her friend. "I'm sure." She didn't want to bring any of it with her. Leah nodded, a complex expression on her face. "You okay?"

"Yeah." Leah glanced at her. "I'm going to miss you."

Mavis couldn't help but laugh. "I'm not leaving you." Leah wasn't a vampire. They could still be friends. "Besides, you're going to visit me all the time."

"I know," she whispered. "It's going to drive Paul nuts."

They laughed together. Mavis took a step forward, hugging her friend. Typically, Leah wasn't a hugger. Today was different. "Thanks."

"For what?"

"For being my friend."

Leah smiled. "Thanks for being mine." They pulled away from each other. "I'll bring the last box down, but everything is ready to go." Her heart sank at the idea of leaving, but it was time.

"Great. I'll be down in a second." Leah nodded and left the room. Mavis looked around her bedroom one last time. She would never see it again, and that was okay with her. Taking a deep breath, she turned off the light and walked away.

It was easier than she expected. Mavis knew deep down she was ready to go. She walked down the hallway, a smile on her face. Letting go of the house was easy. It was the people inside it that she cared for.

Mavis strode down the stairs and into the living room. There was nobody there. She assumed they were all outside. The house was silent. All she could hear were her shoes tapping against the wood. It was cold out, but the breeze was relaxing.

"There she is," Carlisle smiled at her. He approached her first. They hugged for the last time. "I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too."

The following person she embraced was Esme. "Take care of yourself, darling."

"I'll try, Esme." Each person wanted their own, separate farewell. Mavis never liked goodbyes. They seemed so final to her. Goodbye meant it was over, and she didn't want it to be over. She didn't want to end on such certain terms with her family. It was easier for her to imagine that their story wasn't over. Maybe they would see each other in another life. Maybe they would cross paths by accident. In thirty years, they won't recognize Mavis, but she would always be able to recognize them. They were her family, after all.

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