Chapter 39

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The world was a truly beautiful place full of wonders and promises. It was full of life and beauty. It was full of all the things Mavis desperately wanted growing up. As much as she loved the Cullens, she always wanted this, the feeling of normal. She wanted to stand on the beach and feel the breeze as ocean water sprayed against her skin. She wanted to feel the gentle warmth of the sun against her skin. Vampires couldn't go out in the sun. It caused them to sparkle like diamonds under light. Mavis was used to cloudy days and gloomy weather. She wanted to experience constant warmth.

The world was a remarkable place, and for the first time in years, Mavis finally felt alive. She felt peace and warmth. All of the things she had lost along the way didn't matter right now.

She stood with her eyes closed, a faint smile on her face as she felt the ocean water against her toes. It didn't matter that it was freezing outside. It didn't matter that her lips were quivering from the breeze. Mavis wanted to stand outside and feel everything the world had to offer for as long as possible because life was finally within reach, and she wasn't planning on letting go anytime soon.

"Hey," a voice said. "What are you doing?" Paul walked in front of her. Mavis opened her eyes, staring at her boyfriend. "You okay?"

She smiled at him. "Yeah."

"What are you doing down here alone?"

It was a simple question with a complicated answer. How was Mavis supposed to express how she felt inside? After years of hearing voices, fearing every unknown sound, and carrying the burden of death, she was finally free. Mavis was free. She wasn't cursed anymore.

She was just Mavis.

"It's just," she shrugged, "so quiet."

Paul stared at her. It was the first time she looked entirely peaceful. "Yeah?"

"Yeah." Paul came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her. Mavis leaned into his warm embrace. Her eyes remained open as she stared at the ocean. It was all perfect. There was nothing to distract them from how perfect everything had turned out to be. Mavis could finally live freely and without fear. "We're going to be okay."

Paul kissed the side of her head. "I know."


Mavis walked into the house with a smile on her face. Paul had an arm thrown lazily over her shoulders. Everything in the world felt right. The world felt safe. That wasn't something Mavis had ever felt before.

"I think that-" the words faded from her throat as they walked into the living room. The Cullens were sitting on the couch, waiting for them. "Hey." Mavis knew something was wrong instantly. "What's wrong?"

"Mavis," Esme said. "Please, take a seat."

Her heart started to race. She glanced at Paul. He seemed just as apprehensive. "No." The blonde girl didn't want to sit down. "What's going on?"

"Mavis," Rosalie whispered. "Please."

Paul dropped his arm. Silently he guided Mavis to sit beside him on the couch. "What's going on?" Her leg was bouncing. Everything had been perfect. She didn't want that to change.

"We spoke to the Volturi," Carlisle spoke up. Mavis grabbed Paul's hand. In all the chaos, she had forgotten about the Volturi. "The deadline remains the same." She closed her eyes. "But they've changed the terms."

Mavis's eyes snapped open. "Well, what are they?" Carlisle glanced at Jasper, who refused to meet his gaze. "What? Is it bad?"

"Mavis, they have given us a choice. By your birthday, you can either become a vampire or," he paused. "Or you separate yourself from this life."

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