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Hello, there are a few things I want to make clear before you read

Number one, most of these stories contain smut...because I'm horny, you're horny...we are all HORNY

And if you don't know what smut
and/or being horny is...you are too young to be here

Am I trying to protect your innocence, Nah not really- I just don't want an immature 8-year-old telling everyone that they are proud to know what sex is at that age...plus its cringe

I say 13+ but to be honest, some of yall don't care...so go along...READ, just don't be immature


Number two, I'm a multi-shipper...meaning I'm ok with ANY ship unless it's pedo, incest, toxic...you get the gist.

If you said...Idk herb x dark chocolate

I'm ok with that

If it's adventure x knight...Im ok with that

Literally ANYTHING I'm ok with...

Now if it's Princess x knight...this is ok ONLY if Princess (minor) is in an AU which causes her to be grown or of age.

This goes for any ship of a minor, they have to be of age story-wise!

Number three, be respectful...don't kink shame even if it's your greatest kink, don't ship shame, no non-friendly name-calling...this is Wattpad not elementary

Doing any of these can get your comment deleted


Number four, |READ PLEASE| Are the cookies human?...they are whatever you want them to be...however this needs to be addressed

I personally see them as cookies with human qualities...let me explain!

They look human, sound...human, and well, do whatever humans do...Idk I'm not one 🙃

Let's take cookie A and cookie B

Cookie |A| can bleed, cough, die, eat and drink...they can take showers, have intercourse, have babies, and many more humanly things.

Cookie |B| can't bleed, can only crumble, can't brutally die, can eat but can't drink water cuz it will dissolve them, same with showers. Cookies don't have any parts or functions for mating, so they can't have sex...this also goes for having children...and before you say


they are just built differently for plot development...

But the whole story is based on Cookie |A|

The cookies will still reference Things like jellies, willy Wonka type furniture...and much more, even as far as calling themselves cookies...but they are not. But that's me PERSONALY if you choose to see them has cookies, I will not judge.

Number five, request and leave feedback, as well as give ideas! This one isn't reinforced...if you don't want to, you don't have to, but it would make updates happen quicker...

That's it, enjoy

(Quick note) apparently, cookie put their soul jam together to have children, and fuck not- and princess cookie isn't a minor (I think) however I still won't do smut stories of her...so yea.

Cookie run NSFW headcannonsWhere stories live. Discover now