CHP 32

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Ani didn't know went he slept while waiting for bon . He was sleeping when Suddenly he woke up in jerk screaming

"NO!!! "Ani screamed breathing heavily

Everyone rushed towards him

"What happened anirudh why did you screamed "ksj asked tensly

"Kaka...kaka b...bondita my bondita is in danger i have to go to save her kaka" Ani said fearfully

"Anirudh anirudh calm down bondita bahu is alright suarabh called us and told that bondita bahu is with them she is safe don't worry" ksj said

"When did suarabh called and why don't i know about it "Ani asked

"This evening but You were sleeping so we didn't tried to wake you up "ksj said

"Kaka why...."Ani was about to say something but the telephone rang and Ani went to pick the call

"Hello..."Ani said in telephone, soon the telephone fell from his hand . Everyone went towards him tears started flowing through his eyes

"What happened dada who called" batuk asked

"Anirudh beta what happened say something "ksj said

"Dada "som said b..bondita i..i have g..go b..bondita n..needs me "Ani said in teary eyes and rushed outside the house and drove the car to somewhere

While everyone too followed him . As soon as ani reached where he wanted to go he rushed inside while as soon as everyone else saw the place they were shocked

"Hospital "som said

"Why did anirudh came to hospital b..bondita "mano said and rushed inside the hospital while everyone too followed her . They saw Ani talking with someone Everyone went towards him .

"It was you who called in rc haveli "Ani asked crying

"Yes it was me are "the man asked

"I am anirudh Roy Chowdhury bondita's husband "Ani said

"What happened to my bahu" ksj asked

'I was going from devipur when I saw a women unconscious in car her head was bleeding as soon as I saw her face i recognised that she was from rc haveli so i called you all "the man said

"Where is my sister" mano asked

"The doctors took her inside the room" the man said

"Thank you thank you so much you don't no what you have done for me" Ani said joining his hand

"Take this for helping us" ksj said before giving him his gold chain

"Sorry zamindar babu i did all this just for humanity not for money , now that i have helped you all i will take my leave "the man said before joining his hand

The man left , everyone was waiting impatiently outside the room . Soon the  doctor came out of the room and everyone rushed towards him .

"Doctor how is my bondita" Ani asked

"You are..." doctor asked

"He is her husband and we are her family "ksj said

"Ohh well we can't say anything now because her head got severely hurt and she also bleed a lot . So we can't say anything till she regain her consciousness" doctor said

"Can we meet her "mano asked

"Yes sure" doctor said before leaving

Mano went inside the room while Ani went towards Durga ma's statue which was in the hospital .




So guys here is the chapter

Hope you all like it

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Till then bye bye

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