CHP 52

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As soon as suadamini heard pari didi from her the glass fell from her hand .

"are you mad" batuk said angrily as the water got spilled on his leg

"what happened suadamini is everything alright "bon asked softly while suadamini looks at her without blinking

and that's when som came into mano's room

"what's going on here and what is she doing her" som asked confusingly

"som ji can you please check on suadamini I think she is not well" mano said

"manorma you too are a doctor why don't you check her "som suggested

"I don't want to she hurted my sister" mano said

"manorma as a doctor our first priority is our patient no matter the person is our enemy or friend , you should know about this na "som said

"I obviously know about it "mano said looking down

"then just check her" som said

"yes didi check her up "bon said while mano nods

all this while suadamini was sitting like a statue . mano checked her and laid her in bed covering her with blanket

"what happened "bon asked

"she is just shocked and didn't sleep well last night so she is a little bit weak "mano said

"good job" som said patting mano's head while she blushes which didn't went unnoticed by everyone

"well ksj let suadamini stay here until she gets well "bon said

"no way bahu she already tried to do so many bad things now I don't want to take any type of risk "ksj said sternly

"but ksj she is unwell , we should help her atleast as a human please let her stay na "bon said with puppy face melting ksj

"fine but if she does anything wrong then...."ksj asked

"I will take of it "bon said

"fine lets go now and bahu you too get ready for aarti its already very late" ksj said before leaving

"ji ksj "bon said .

soon everyone left from there , while going towards her room ani pulls her inside her room and locks the door

"what are you doing pati babu "bon asked

"romancing with you , why you don't know "ani asked teasingly , before holding her waist ,making her blush

"no I don't know now please leave me I have to go for shower "bon said trying to remove his grip on her waist

"then lets do it together" ani said smriking and before bon could register anything he scooped her in his arm and took her inside the bathroom

Ani carefully makes bon stand in floor and locks the door before moving towards her , bon moves backwards until her back hits the wall.   Ani tugs her hair strands behind her ear making her shiver in his touch .



A short chapter


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