CHP 62

915 109 19

It's been a few days and bondita is still tense about what she should do next.

Manorma and bondita have to visit the krantikari group and discuss the plan with them but because no one knew about all this, they can't go outside the house.

Whereas they both were unaware about the fact that someone already got to know about their true identity.

Bondita entered inside the room and back hugged anirudh who was looking outside the window.

But he didn't moved nor did he held her hand which made her look at him confusingly.

She turned him around...

"Pati babu is everything alright?" She asked as she could sense something wrong

"Bondita is there anything about which I don't know and you want to tell me about it" he asked holding her hands

She looked at him and gulped

" pati babu, why are you asking me this?" She asked confusingly

And he lost it...


He yelled making her fliny


"Bondita why did you hide this from me haa? Why? Don't you trust me enough? You hid about the truth that you are krantikari... Do you really think that after knowing about this I would be unhappy or angry over you.

No... I would have felt like the most proudest husband in this world bondita but you hid this from me... From everyone... Why?"

He asked with teary eyes

His heart really pained when he got to know that his bondita is hiding her true identity from him. She doesn't trust him enough to share him about the truth.

"I... I am sorry pati babu... I..." Before she could say anything he left

He left...

He again left her...

She got frozen on the spot as she recalled about the past when he left her alone in middle of the society.

When he didn't trust her...

When he decided to marry saudamini...

Although she knew that she was at fault this time but still she couldn't help but think about the past.

Although she behaves like she is strong enough to handle everything but still somewhere that incident haunts her now also.

Her breathing was getting uneven as she heard the lound shouting from downstairs.

She knew till know everyone must have got to know about it.

But what if they does the same thing which happened years ago.

Her hands were getting cold while she was shivering by the mere thought of him leaving her all alone again was killing her from inside.

Black dots started appearing in front of her eyes and before she could understand anything she lost her consciousness and fell in the floor.

Whereas downstairs a big fight was going on among everyone while manorma and som were in room.

Later manorma decided to go to bondita's room coz she knows that maybe bondita might need her now with her.

But when she entered the room.... Shocked

Bondita was laying on the floor... lifelessly

She screamed on top of her lungs which alarmed everyone and they directly went towards the room.

But anirudh got more scared...

When they reached inside the room, they were shocked to see bondita laying in floor while manorma was rubbing her hands.

"Bondita..." Anirudh yelled before going towards her while batuk rubbed his ears

He picked her up in bridal style and made her lay in bed.

As manorma too is a doctor, she checked her and realised that she again got a panick attack.

Which she usually used to get before but it got reduced after they came here but after so many months again she got panick attack.

And manorma knew that reason why.

"There is nothing to worry about, it's just that she must have been quite tensed because of our mission and didn't take much care of herself" she informed while everyone relaxed

"Look kaka, does anyone else matters to her... She lied to us then didn't take care of herself and you were scolding me for yelling at her" he said angrily

"It's indeed your fault Jeth ji, do you know just now she got a panic attack because of you. Do you all really think we wanted to hide all this fr everyone... No

We never wanted to hide about this but we are binded with the oath. We can't reveal our identity to anyone... Not even our family.

And I am sure that you didn't even give a chance to speak on behalf of her, did you?

You know som ji is better than you atleast he listened to everything before taking a decision but you? I don't know how this stupid girl handles you"

She said while batuk chuckled making everyone glare at him

"Ok enough now, forget about all this... Anirudh take care of bahu and Don't you dare to yell at her again otherwise I will cut your tongue" ksj warned before leaving

While manorma looked at bondita once before kissing her forehead and left

Anirudh sat beside her holding her hand.

Soon he felt some movement and he looked at bondita who was slowly openning her eyes.

"P...pati babu..." She said while he helped her to get up

"Yes I am here bondita" he replied holding her hand

"Pati babu please don't leave me please... I can't live without you... I can't bear the pain of separation all over again. I don't have the energy to bear all this... Please don't leave me. I am sorry I know I should've told you about it but I was binded with the oath and I can't break it... I am sorry"

she said hugging him

"No... I am sorry... I am so so sorry... I don't know why I loose control over myself and mess up everything. I should have at least listened to you once before yelling at you... You know na how buddu your birristra babu is? Please forgive him"

He said looking into her eyes



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Till then bye bye

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