CHP 41

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It was evening ,

Somtuk were sitting in couch busy in their own work while ksj , binoy , manoo , bon , ani were in their respective room . soon chudail again came inside haveli

"good evening som batuk 'suadamini said

"the bitch is here again "batuk murmurs

"good evening has become bad evening after seeing your face" som said looking away from her

suadamini flumes in anger but controls it , soon her gaze went toward ani who was coming down folding his sleeves . suadamini smiles evilly and went towards him . She intentionally bumped into him making both of them fall in floor ani was above suadamini , ani tried to get up but wasn't able to as suadamini was not letting him to but ani forcibily got up from her , suadamini too gets up . Ani was cleaning his shirt .

"let me help you "suadamini said before holding his shirt

ani holds her hand and glared at her

"no need to" ani said in anger but he could jerk her hand he saw somtuk standing up from couch looking towards the stairs .

ani too saw towards the stair only to find bon standing there wearing a light green colour saree with sleeveless blouse , minimum jewellery , kajal in eyes , she was looking breathtaking .

ani too saw towards the stair only to find bon standing there wearing a light green colour saree with sleeveless blouse , minimum jewellery , kajal in eyes , she was looking breathtaking

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Bon's look

Ani was lost in her but notice one thing that she was glaring him but why , Ani forgets everything seeing her , then he notice him holding suadamini's hand he immediately jerks her hand while bon runs from there . Ani too left behind her while suadamini was smriking evilly and left from there which didn't went unnoticed by somtuk.

"did she just came here to create misunderstanding between dada boudi "batuk said in anger

"looks like that only "som said folding his hand

"I am telling you som dada that Anirudh dada is gone today the way boudi was glaring him" batuk said

"yes only durga maa can save him from boudi" som said

both of them signs and continued doing their work

ani followed bon but before he could stop her she entered manoo's room , while ani was standing outside the room , he don't know what to do should he go inside the room or not , he can't go inside the room without any reason so he decided to talk to her latter .

it was dinner time , everyone was sitting in dinning table , all this time ani tried to talk to bon but he royally ignored him . Bon was sitting opposite to ani between somtuk , to get bon's attention he forwarded his leg toward bon under table but instead of touching her leg he touched batuk's leg thinking it as bon's leg who was busy eating while batuk looks down and saw ani's leg and then looks toward him confusingly , he didn't paid any attention thinking it touched accidently but again ani touched batuk's leg , batuk again looked at him shockingly and then he noticed his gaze toward bon , he understood everything and decided to tease him.

"dada don't you think your leg has become too long" batuk said teasingly

"haan what...what" ani said nervously

while everyone looks at them

"eyes on somewhere and target is somewhere ( kahin pe nigahe kahin pe nishana )" batuk said teasingly

"what are you trying to say , say it properly na" ani said

"waah look at you how innocently you are saying it" batuk said

"arey what are you saying batuk say it clearly we are not able to understand" ksj said

"kaka dada was touching my leg using his leg under the table thinking that I am boudi "batuk said giggling

while everyone giggles , bon was looking down hiding her blush .




so guys here is the chapter


hope you all like it


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till then bye bye

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