CHP 40

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"I know what are you thinking about and I also know that you went to jail if you don't want to go again behind the bars then better you leave from here" bon said

Suadamini gets a scared and went away from there , bon closes the door and turns towards Ani only to find him smiling at her .

"What are you smiling at "bon asked

"At my bondita no no my tigress "Ani said

"Tigress.... "Bon said

"Hmm "Ani hummed

"She was about to slap me why didn't you do anything "bon asked keeping her hands on her waist

Ani smiles and went towards her pulling her close by her waist

"Because my tigress is enough to handle her" Ani said

"Oh really" bon said teasingly

Ani nods

"But this tigress is very hungry" bon said flirting before pushing him and pinning him on wall while Ani was shock to see her bold avataar

"What happened barrister Babu are you scared" bon said before trailing her finger from his forehead to his jaw seductively making his breath hitched

"B..Bo..Bondita "Ani said nervously as he felt her unbuttoning his shirt

"Yes barrister Babu" bon said opening his shirts three buttons , sliding her hand inside his shirt .

Ani had enough of her sweet torture , he instantly shifts the position and pinned her in wall making her gasp

"Don't you think you are being too bold" Ani said breathlessly

Bon was about to say something but before she could Ani smashed his lip kissing her hungrily while bon too tried to match his level . They were kissing each other hungrily as for 10 years they were hungry for each other and they were showing their desire , passion and hunger through the kiss . Soon they broke the kiss and looked at each other both of their eyes were burning in fire . Ani was about to kiss her again when they heard a knock on door , Ani holds his hair in frustration .

"Who the hell is here" ani shouts in frustration

"It's me your kaka what are you doing in bahu's room open the door "kaka shouted from outside , Ani gulped in fear and looks at her who was already scared.

Ani was about to open the door when bon stopped him , Ani raised his eyebrows , bon tied his shirts button and indicates him to open the door , Ani smiles and pecked her lips before opening the door . As soon as he opened the door they saw ksj fuming in anger.

"What were you doing at bahu's room , both of you are unmarried don't you know about it "ksj asked in anger

"I...i "Ani gulped in fear

"Ksj he was feeding me have you forgotten that he took all my responsibility" bon said nervously

"But aren't you already fine "ksj said

"Yes ksj i am fine but not completely , so until I get completely fine he will take care of me "bon said

"Ohh but why did you closed the door if he was feeding you "ksj asked

"Actually ksj he was entertaining me like he did in hospital he didn't wanted anyone to see so i closed the door "bon said

"Hmm fine but remember not to do this again until you both get married "ksj said

"Yes ksj / kaka "anidita said together

"And bahu bihari told us that you don't want suadamini to know about your true identity don't worry we will not let her know about it , ok "ksj said

"Thank you" ksj bon said

"Anything for you my child , ( to Ani) Now what are you waiting for if you are done with your feeding and dancing then let's go "ksj said before leaving

"Yes kaka" Ani said forcing a smile and left not before pecking her lips , bon blushes and went inside the room .




So guys here is the chapter


Hope you all like it


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Till then bye bye

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