CHP 66

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Everyone were running here and there as today it was chote zamindar's that is batuk's haldi. Time passed really quick and no one realised when the day of the marriage came.

"Do it quickly" Bondita who was instructing worker huffed because of tiredness

From a few weeks she was feeling quite weak, she get's tired easily and her moods are always at peak and not to forget about her morning sickness.

Anirudh who was noticing everything went towards bondita.

"What's wrong?" he asked concernly

"Nothing just feeling too tired" she replied holding his arm

"How many times I have told you not to work so much but you never listen to me" He scolded her

"I am sorry but what can I do? it's batuk's marriage and as the elder daughter in law I have so many responsibilities" She sighed tiredly

"You sit here and rest, we are here to do everything. Don't stress yourself ok" Anirudh said kissing her forehead before making her sit in sofa

She saw Anirudh, Somnath and manorama looking after everything and didn't realised when she closed her eyes, leaning against the sofa.

Kaka who was going towards the temple saw bondita sleeping on the sofa and he found it quite unusual of her to sleep like that at such time.

He went towards her and called her but not getting any response from her, he moved her shoulder but as soon as he did it her head fell on side.

He got scared and shouted Anirudh's name before sitting beside bondita and patting her cheeks softly.

Anirudh who was busy got panicked hearing kaka's voice and rushed towards the hall with manorama and saurabh.

"What happened kaka?" Anirudh asked tensly

"Look what happened to bahu!?" kaka informed worriedly

Anirudh looked at unconscious bondita and beside her.

"Bondita... bondita... open your eyes please" Anirudh patted her cheeks but there was no response from her

Manorama asked Anirudh to carry bondita to their room till then she will bring her medical kit.

Anirudh nodded and picked bondita in bridal style before taking her to their room. He carefully laid her down in bed and rubbed bondita's hands and feet.

Soon manorama came with her kit and asked everyone to go outside. Although Anirudh was hesitating a bit but still he nodded and left with everyone before looking at bondita for the last time as the door closes.

30 minutes later,

Anirudh was pacing outside the room, impatiently waiting for manorama to open the door while kaka was praying for his beloved bahu.

Soon the door opens and manorama and bondita came outside.

As soon she came outside Anirudh hugged bondita tightly and asked if she is fine.

"What happened to bahu?" kaka asked manorama

"Should I tell everyone?" Manorama asked teasingly looking at bondita who looked down in shyness

Manorama chuckled making everyone confuse and broke the biggest news to them.

"Congratulation kaka sasurji you are getting promoted to grandfather and Anirudh to father. Our bondita is pregnant!" She revealed jumping in happiness

Everyone gasped in happiness while Anirudh stood there in shock. Kaka sasurji hugged both bondita and Anirudh making him come out of his shock while rest of them congratulated her.

Kaka thought it would be best to leave them alone for sometime and indicated everyone to leave with him.

"What's wrong?" Bondita asked confusingly

"You are pregnant?" He asked pointing towards her stomach while she nodded

"I am going to be a mother?" He again asked while she nodded

"And I am going to be a father?" He asked again while she again nodded and a tear escaped from his eyes

Bondita looked at him emotionally as he chuckled while jumping around in happiness, she too smiled at his reaction. He kneeled infront of her and softly knocked three times over her stomach.

"Hello baby, its me your baba" He wishpered softly while bondita laughed at him

"Budhu babu, baby is too small to hear you" She told him

"Really?" He asked frowning as he stood up and bondita nodded

"Well it doesn't matter, I will talk to the baby 24/7" He declared while she laughed

He looked at her and hugged her softly

"Thank you for coming in my life bondita, thank you for forgiving me and I am sorry for whatever unknowingly I did to you."

He said still hugging her

"Whatever happened is past, let's focus on our present and future with our baby" She told while nodded and kissed her forehead


Time went really quick,

Batuk's got married to priya and they were happy in their life.

As for anidita, They were blessed with twins, a boy and girl. They named them Anirban and Anidita.

The day they got to know that they are having twins, kaka wanted to threw a big party but bondita denied him and told him to donate money or clothes to villagers, atleast her babies will receive their blessings instead of those fake congratulations of those rich people.

And cherry on top, when bondita was 6 months pregnant they got to know that manorama was pregnant.

So the both Anirudh Roy Chowdhary and Somnath Roy Chowdhary were busy in pampering their respective wife while batuk was enjoying his married life.

After 6 months of bondita delivery manorama was blessed with a baby girl and they named her suman.

And when Anirban, anidita and suman were one and a half year old, priya delivered a baby boy named priyansh.

Their life was no less than a beautiful dream, with their baby and love of their life with them.

It's true when someone said "The one who hates you the most, loves you the most"


Ok I am getting emotional right now. It was my first story, the beginning of my writing and today its completed.

It's really hard to say good bye to the book but...

Thank you to everyone who gave me a chance and read the book.

And sorry for mu irregular update. This month is really busy one for me with internals, assignments and vasant Panchami.

In my family we celebrate it grandly and this year we decided to perform a cultural function with all the family members.

And I have a dance performance there and its my first dance performance! So everyday I practice coz I want my first performance to be the best.

So wish me good luck and love you all...

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𝓐𝓝𝓘𝓓𝓘𝓣𝓐 : 𝓗𝓐𝓣𝓔 𝓘𝓢 𝓛𝓞𝓥𝓔 [COMPLETED ✅]Where stories live. Discover now